Zimbabwe War Veterans Demand Cabinet Reshuffle, Cite Marginalization

Veterans Call for Inclusion, Highlight Judicial Capture Concerns

by Adenike Adeodun

War veterans in Zimbabwe are pressing President Emmerson Mnangagwa to overhaul his Cabinet and politburo to oust newcomers and include more ex-combatants. This demand follows claims of being marginalized despite their significant role in the 2017 coup that ousted former President Robert Mugabe.

Blessed Geza, a member of the Zanu PF central committee and former legislator, expressed discontent in an interview with HStv. He highlighted the irony of those who opposed Mnangagwa and Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga during the coup now enjoying government benefits while loyal war veterans are overlooked. “It’s not right. We demand that President Mnangagwa reshuffles his politburo and Cabinet to accommodate war veterans,” Geza said.

In February, Mnangagwa dismissed War Veterans minister Christopher Mutsvangwa, a notable figure from the coup, without public explanation. Geza also raised concerns about “judicial capture” and the manipulation of legal systems by influential Zanu PF members, calling for judicial independence.

“The independence of our courts has been compromised,” Geza stated, suggesting that judges should report to war veterans to address this intimidation.

The opposition and various civic groups have echoed the sentiment of judicial capture. Former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa opted not to challenge Mnangagwa’s controversial election victory last year, citing the same concerns.

Geza also criticized the Zanu PF leadership for their reliance on rumors and misinformation, which he claimed are used to manipulate the president and secure positions. His comments come as a faction of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) claims Zanu PF is trying to control their organization ahead of their congress.

Ethan Andrease Mathibela, chairperson of ZNLWVA, highlighted the troubling trend of political interference in the association, noting that many leaders are out of touch with the organization’s history and purpose. He stressed the need for introspection among war veterans to address their marginalization and the dire conditions many face despite their sacrifices for Zimbabwe’s independence.

War veterans have long been pivotal to Zanu PF’s hold on power and are key influencers in Mnangagwa’s administration. Mathibela’s statements underscore a growing frustration among veterans feeling sidelined by the government they helped establish.


Source: Newsday

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