Chegutu Community Demands Government Action Following Brutal Murder of Two Elderly Women

Residents urge swift measures after the discovery of two elderly women, raped and murdered, in the Pfupajena area

by Adenike Adeodun


  • The Chegutu community urges the government to act after two elderly women were murdered.
  • Sekai Antonio and Alice Zhuwao were found with head injuries and signs of sexual assault.
  • Residents want action on violent crime and the lack of electricity forcing long trips for firewood.

Following the savage murder and alleged rape of two elderly women from the Pfupajena area, whose lifeless bodies were discovered tied with ropes and with severe head wounds, the Chegutu community calls for government action.

After a thorough search around Stockdale farm, the bodies of two neighbours who vanished while obtaining firewood—59-year-old Sekai Antonio and 54-year-old Alice Zhuwao—were discovered last Sunday. 

When their dead bodies were discovered in the bushes, it caused a great deal of anguish and indignation. Sekai’s son Tapfumanei Gupi described what transpired before the finding.

“To get firewood, my mother and Zhuwao departed the house early on Friday morning. “The community banded together to look for them when they failed to return.

“Unfortunately, there were numerous bruises and deep head wounds on their bodies when they were discovered,” he stated.

Family members and community demand immediate action from the government

According to New Zimbabwe, Gupi emphasized that the community and families are now pleading with the government to act decisively to stop such tragedies from happening in the future.

“We demand that the government execute murderers, fire dishonest police officers, install electricity, forbid bond for violent criminals, and limit gun access. He asked for swift action to eradicate the perpetrators of the murder.

Zhuwao’s daughter Edina Ndaranira disclosed that her mother had been sexually assaulted, noting the finding of her undergarments in close proximity to her body. “The offenders bound them with rope while they were facing down.

“The idea that these elderly people were brutally killed while attempting to support their families is heartbreaking.” Alice Mukumba, the deceased’s neighbor, also begged ZESA and the government to give the area energy.

Calls for improved infrastructure to prevent further tragedies

Mukumba clarified that individuals are forced to trek great distances to gather firewood as a backup due to the area’s lack of electricity and expensive gas prices, which causes tragedies like these. She also encouraged the government to limit the use of guns and to stop providing bail to violent offenders in order to foster a safer and healthier community.

She also emphasized the importance of creating a safer atmosphere. “We want the police to stop these criminals and make our community safe,” she exclaimed.

For post-mortem tests, the victims’ remains have been moved to Chegutu Hospital. There are still open police investigations.

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