Hurungwe Councillor Faro Maga Dies at 66

by Adenike Adeodun

Hurungwe’s respected councillor, Faro Maga, died at 66. His death followed his re-election last month, representing Ward 24 for Zanu PF. He passed away at Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital last Tuesday and was buried at his ancestral home on Thursday.

Felistus Muteta, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the council, spoke highly of Maga. Since his committee induction in 2013, Maga has been known for his significant contributions. Muteta described Maga as focused on development. She said, “The entire Hurungwe district feels the weight of this loss. Beyond his immediate family and constituents, many will miss his dedication.”

Newsday Zimbabwe reported that Muteta further highlighted Maga’s role: “His keen insights in council meetings always aimed at district development. Especially the outlying rural areas. His passing comes just after he pledged his third term of service.”

Meanwhile, another somber incident emerged from Hurungwe. A local man met his end after an encounter with an elephant. Macron Japajapa from Nehanda village, under Chief Kazangarare, tragically died while gold panning in the wildlife-rich areas of the Zambezi Valley escarpment last Wednesday.

Inspector Margaret Chitove, spokesperson for Mashonaland West provincial police, provided details. “Macron, with his brother Knowledge Japajapa and eight others, faced the tragic event near Mukwichi River,” she said.

Tinashe Farawo, spokesperson for Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks), confirmed the incident. Recent ZimParks data indicates an uptick in human-wildlife conflicts. Reports suggest 138 incidents nationwide in this year’s first quarter.

The region’s growth prompts a reduction in wildlife habitats. This shift challenges communities and policymakers. As development progresses, ensuring safety and coexistence with wildlife becomes paramount. It’s essential for stakeholders to strategize to prevent more such incidents in the future.

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