Gold Mafia Exposé Rocks Zimbabwe: Angel’s Alleged $240M Election Scheme

Al Jazeera Documentary Unveils Alleged Gold Smuggling and Money Laundering

by Adenike Adeodun

In a striking revelation from the third episode of Al Jazeera’s four-part documentary series “Gold Mafia: El Dorado,” self-proclaimed prophet and President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ambassador-at-large, Uebert Madzanire, known as Uebert Angel, has claimed that Mnangagwa is set to spend a staggering US$240 million on his re-election campaign. This disclosure has ignited a firestorm of controversy, drawing attention to the intricate nexus of politics, gold smuggling, and money laundering within Zimbabwe.

Throughout the aired episodes, Angel has been captured by Al Jazeera’s investigative team, offering to leverage his diplomatic status to abet gold smuggling and money laundering operations. These allegations have sparked widespread indignation both within Zimbabwe and amongst its diaspora, particularly among Zimbabweans residing in South Africa and the United Kingdom. These groups are mobilizing, with plans for demonstrations and petitions aimed at urging authorities to take decisive action against Angel’s purported corrupt dealings.

In the documentary, Angel is seen demanding a US$200,000 “appreciation” fee from the undercover journalists for arranging a meeting with Mnangagwa, differentiating this from bribery and framing it as a gesture of gratitude at such high levels of power. This has further fueled the debate surrounding the ethical boundaries and nature of political donations and favors.

Amid the public uproar following the documentary’s revelations, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s (RBZ) Financial Intelligence Unit took steps to freeze the assets of four officials implicated in the alleged gold smuggling ring. However, this action has been met with skepticism, as critics argue that it merely scratches the surface, sparing the more influential figures involved in these illicit activities.

The government’s response has been to launch an investigation into the corruption allegations unearthed by the documentary. Notably, figures such as Zimbabwe Miners Federation president Henrietta Rushwaya and gold dealer Ewan MacMillan have also been implicated. Calls for comprehensive accountability extend beyond the immediate suspects to include figures like Uebert Angel, with demands for the freezing of his assets and those related to his Billion Group, which he admitted to owning and which allegedly facilitates gold smuggling and money laundering.

The situation underscores a critical juncture for Zimbabwe, highlighting the need for thorough investigations and transparent legal proceedings to address not only the symptoms but also the roots of the corruption plaguing the country. Farai Maguwu, director of the Centre for Natural Resource Governance, has emphasized the importance of a broad-based approach to the investigation, advocating for the involvement of international law enforcement to ensure that all individuals implicated, regardless of their location or status, are held accountable.

This case presents a complex challenge to Zimbabwe’s governance, legal, and financial systems, requiring a concerted effort from both domestic and international stakeholders to untangle the web of corruption, ensure justice, and restore public trust in the country’s institutions.


Source: Newsday

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