Zanu PF Joins ANC for Final Election Push in South Africa

Zimbabwe’s Party to Aid ANC in Crucial Campaign Efforts  

by Victor Adetimilehin

In an unprecedented move, Zimbabwe’s ruling party, Zanu PF, has been invited to assist the African National Congress (ANC) as the South African party enters the critical final stages of its election campaign. With the elections slated for May 29, this collaboration marks a significant step in the long-standing relationship between the two parties. 

Obert Mpofu, the Secretary-General of Zanu PF, confirmed the partnership, stating, “We have been in constant communication with our colleagues in the ANC. They have extended an invitation to us to assist in the final push for votes.” This collaboration underscores the mutual support and shared political goals between the two ruling parties.

Campaign Dynamics

The ANC is mobilizing its resources in key provinces, with a particular focus on KwaZulu-Natal, a major economic hub and a highly competitive electoral region. The province is witnessing intense campaigning activities, with ANC alliance leaders, including those from Cosatu and the SACP, highlighting the developmental gains achieved since 1994. They are also addressing current global issues, like the conflict between Israel and Palestine, showcasing the ANC’s stance on international affairs.

Former South African president Thabo Mbeki has been active in the campaign, having recently rallied support in Soweto. Mbeki emphasized the ANC’s ongoing efforts to cleanse its ranks of corruption, urging voters to support the party’s renewed leadership. His involvement is expected to boost the ANC’s appeal, particularly in regions still wavering between multiple political contenders.

Zanu PF’s Role and Regional Expectations

Zanu PF’s readiness to assist the ANC reflects a broader regional political strategy where alliances are pivotal to maintaining stability and continuity in governance. Mpofu remarked on the importance of adhering to democratic norms, as outlined by the Southern African Development Community (SADC). “We hope that the elections in South Africa will be conducted smoothly and within the established SADC guidelines,” he said.

This international political engagement is observed closely by other parties and entities within South Africa. The province of KwaZulu-Natal, already a focal point for this election due to its economic significance and competitive political landscape, is also home to supporters of former ANC president Jacob Zuma, who leads the opposition MK party. The dynamic political environment here makes the outcomes crucial not just locally but also for regional political and economic strategies.

Implications for Future Collaborations

The active participation of Zanu PF in South Africa’s elections may set a precedent for future political collaborations within the region. As both nations grapple with internal and external political pressures, the success of this partnership could influence electoral strategies and alliances across southern Africa.

Moreover, with the elections approaching, all eyes are on South Africa to see how this unique partnership between Zanu PF and ANC unfolds and what it means for the future political landscape of the region.

Source: New Zimbabwe


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