Highway Patrols Needed to Prevent Accidents on Harare-Mutare Highway

MTA Demands Action Following Fatal Crash Near Mutangadura

by Adenike Adeodun

Scores of haulage trucks dangerously park along the highway at Mutangadura, leaving little room for other motorists to maneuver. The Manicaland Transport Association (MTA) has urged authorities to introduce police highway patrols to curb road traffic accidents along the Harare-Mutare Highway. This call follows a tragic road accident involving a Tenda bus, a haulage truck, and a Phils & Pats bus near the 32km peg at Mutangadura Leisure Centre. The collision claimed four lives on the spot, with several passengers suffering serious injuries.

The driver of the Mutare-bound Tenda bus attempted to avoid a haulage truck that had encroached into his lane. In doing so, he lost control and collided with a Phils & Pats bus traveling in the opposite direction. The accident highlighted the danger posed by haulage trucks parking along the highway, leaving little room for other vehicles to maneuver.

MTA Chairperson and bus operator Isau Mupfumi emphasized the need for law enforcement to reinstate highway patrols along this critical route. “We urge the police to reinstate highway patrols along this crucial route. The presence of highway patrol vehicles is essential in curbing road accidents and maintaining order on the highways,” Mupfumi said. He added that while static roadblocks are helpful, continuous highway patrols can deter reckless driving and enhance safety.

Mupfumi also called on the government to refurbish railway infrastructure to help decongest the roads. “We call upon the government to urgently implement plans to refurbish the railway infrastructure, which will help alleviate the heavy truck traffic on this road, making it safer for all,” he stated.

The MTA’s call for action underscores the urgent need to improve road safety along the Harare-Mutare Highway. The introduction of highway patrols and the refurbishment of railway infrastructure could significantly reduce the risk of accidents and save lives.


Source: Newsday

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