Mnangagwa Urges Businesses to Embrace Fourth Industrial Revolution

Embracing Advanced Technologies for Economic Growth

by Motoni Olodun

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has called on businesses to embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) to drive economic growth and innovation. Speaking at the CEO Africa Roundtable in Victoria Falls, Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of leveraging advanced technologies to transform industries and improve the country’s global competitiveness.

In his address, President Mnangagwa highlighted the transformative potential of 4IR technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things, and big data. He urged Zimbabwean businesses to integrate these technologies into their operations to enhance efficiency, productivity, and service delivery. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution presents an unprecedented opportunity for us to leapfrog our development challenges and position Zimbabwe as a leader in innovation and technology,” Mnangagwa stated.

The CEO Africa Roundtable, an annual event that brings together business leaders, government officials, and industry experts, focused on strategies to harness the benefits of 4IR for economic development. This year’s theme, “Towards a Digital Economy: Navigating the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” underscores the critical role of digital transformation in achieving sustainable growth.

Mnangagwa acknowledged the progress made by some sectors in adopting digital technologies but stressed that more needs to be done to ensure widespread adoption across all industries. He pointed to successful initiatives in the financial services sector, such as mobile banking and fintech innovations, as examples of how technology can enhance service delivery and financial inclusion.

To support this digital transformation, the Zimbabwean government has implemented several policies and initiatives aimed at fostering a conducive environment for innovation and technology adoption. These include investing in digital infrastructure, promoting ICT education and skills development, and providing incentives for tech startups and businesses that adopt advanced technologies.

President Mnangagwa also called on the private sector to collaborate with the government and academia to build a robust innovation ecosystem. “Collaboration between the government, private sector, and educational institutions is essential for creating an environment where innovation thrives. We must work together to develop the skills and infrastructure needed to support the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” he said.

However, challenges remain in realizing the full potential of 4IR in Zimbabwe. Issues such as inadequate digital infrastructure, limited access to high-speed internet, and a shortage of skilled professionals continue to hinder progress. Mnangagwa urged stakeholders to address these challenges collectively, emphasizing that overcoming these barriers is crucial for the country’s digital transformation.

Industry leaders at the roundtable echoed the president’s sentiments, highlighting the need for strategic investments in technology and human capital. They also stressed the importance of regulatory frameworks that support innovation while ensuring data security and privacy. “For Zimbabwe to fully benefit from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we must create a regulatory environment that encourages innovation while protecting consumers,” one CEO noted.

In conclusion, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s call to embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution reflects Zimbabwe’s commitment to leveraging technology for economic growth and development. By fostering a collaborative and innovative ecosystem, Zimbabwe can position itself as a leader in digital transformation, driving sustainable growth and improving the quality of life for its citizens.

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