Chivayo’s Influence Reaches African Leaders, Sparks Controversy, Debate

Mnangagwa and Regional Figures Linked to Businessman's Activities

by Adenike Adeodun

Wicknell Chivayo’s enigmatic presence continues to captivate Zimbabwe and beyond. Known for his flashy lifestyle and controversial statements, Chivayo has become a prominent figure, attracting attention from high-profile leaders.

Chivayo’s taste for luxury is evident. He boasts of owning over 200 pairs of shoes and shops in high-end boutiques in South Africa, Dubai, and the United States. His frequent social media posts flaunt his wealth, showing off “mountains” of United States dollars. This extravagant display has left many Zimbabweans questioning how he amassed such wealth given his age and short business history.

Chivayo’s notoriety grew when he and his company, Intratrek Zimbabwe, became central figures in a fraud and money laundering probe. They allegedly received $5.6 million from Zesa Holdings for a $172.84 million solar plant in Gwanda, which remains unconstructed. Although acquitted by the courts and given another chance to complete the project, Chivayo’s reputation remains tarnished.

As the controversy around the solar project subsided, Chivayo stirred the pot again by posting photos of himself dining with former First Lady Grace Mugabe in Dubai. This post, coupled with his appearances alongside President Emmerson Mnangagwa at state functions, raised eyebrows.

Chivayo has captivated not only Mnangagwa but also other leaders across the region. He has been photographed with influential figures like the late Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai. Recently, former Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa accused Mnangagwa of helping Chivayo secure a $40 million tender to supply the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) with election materials. Analysts, however, noted that Chamisa himself had shared moments with Chivayo, highlighting the businessman’s widespread influence.

Chivayo’s posts continue to generate buzz. He recently shared photos with Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. His captions are filled with admiration and praise for these leaders, showcasing his ability to forge connections with the elite.

Chivayo described his meeting with President Samia Suluhu Hassan as a delightful opportunity. He praised her blend of motherly warmth and robust state authority. “Full of charisma and an attentive character, the President charmed me with her meticulous understanding of investment financing, infrastructure development, and the pivotal role of technology in transforming Tanzania into a digital economy,” Chivayo wrote.

He also expressed admiration for Tanzania’s modern highways and the government’s efforts to develop world-class infrastructure. Chivayo highlighted the potential for investment in renewable energy and telecommunications under President Hassan’s visionary leadership.

After meeting President Museveni, Chivayo posted about his courtesy visit to the Ugandan leader. He praised Museveni’s exceptional statesmanship and the warm reception he received. “The nuggets of wisdom shared by ‘General M7,’ as he is affectionately known, immediately confirmed his rare character as an exceptional statesman, nationalist, a leader par excellence, and unifier,” Chivayo noted.

He expressed appreciation for Uganda’s rapid infrastructure development and the government’s commitment to digital technology. Chivayo highlighted Uganda’s interest in welcoming investors to improve internet penetration and digital infrastructure.

Chivayo’s ability to ingratiate himself with powerful leaders continues to fascinate observers. His posts, filled with praise and admiration, raise questions about his motives and the nature of his engagements. While some view him as a savvy businessman, others see him as a controversial figure who thrives on attention.

Despite his controversial reputation, Chivayo’s influence shows no signs of waning. His connections with African leaders and his ability to remain in the spotlight suggest that he will continue to be a significant player on the continent’s business and political scene.

Whether seen as a crook, a charismatic figure, or a savvy entrepreneur, Chivayo’s actions and connections will likely keep him in the public eye. The court of public opinion remains divided on his character and intentions, leaving much to speculation.


Source: Newsday

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