High Court Denies Bail to CCC Leader and 76 Activists

Judicial Ruling Upholds Previous Decision; Minor Released to Father

by Victor Adetimilehin

Opposition CCC interim leader Jameson Timba and 76 party activists have been denied bail by the High Court, following accusations of holding an unsanctioned gathering and engaging in disorderly conduct. The activists have been in jail since June 16.

High Court Upholds Lower Court Ruling

The activists were initially denied bail by Magistrate Ruth Moyo, who ruled they were likely to re-offend. Dissatisfied, they appealed the decision, which was subsequently heard by Justice Munamato Mutevedzi. Justice Mutevedzi upheld the lower court’s ruling, stating that the magistrate’s decision was justified and without misdirection.

“In the end, all having been said and done, my conclusion is that there was no misdirection in the court a quo’s overall assessment of the issues and its finding that the appellants were not proper candidates for admission to bail,” Mutevedzi said. “The discretion of the trial magistrate, which as demonstrated, she exercised quite judiciously must stand. It disbars me from interfering with her judgment.”

The only exception to the High Court’s decision was the case of Maxwell Sande, a minor among the arrested activists. Justice Mutevedzi allowed Sande’s appeal due to his age, ordering his release into his father’s custody. 

“The appeal against the refusal to admit appellant Maxwell Sande to bail by the magistrates’ court sitting at Harare on 27 June 2024 is hereby allowed,” Mutevedzi ruled. “The appellant Maxwell Sande is released into the custody of his father, Cecil Sande, who shall ensure that at all times, the appellant shall abide by the conditions of his attendance at court.”

Implications and Next Steps

The ruling has significant implications for the CCC and its supporters, who view the arrests as politically motivated. The denial of bail suggests that the activists will remain in custody as they await further legal proceedings. This decision is likely to further galvanize the CCC and its followers, who have been vocal in their criticism of what they perceive as judicial overreach and political repression.

Despite the setback, the CCC leadership remains resolute. The party has reiterated its commitment to peaceful protests and legal challenges as part of its broader strategy to advocate for political reform and democratic governance in Zimbabwe.

Source: New Zimbabwe

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