Amnesty International Calls for Release of Jailed 78 CCC Activists

Human Rights Group Urges Probe into Torture Allegations by Zimbabwe Police

by Adenike Adeodun

Human rights watchdog Amnesty International (AI) has called for an investigation into allegations that dozens of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activists were tortured while in police custody. The activists were arrested at Jameson Timba’s house and accused of attending an illegal gathering with the intent to engage in public violence and disorderly conduct.

The 78 CCC activists were celebrating the Day of the African Child on June 16 when police disrupted their gathering in Harare. Since then, they have been held in remand prison, with the state denying them bail on the grounds that they are a flight risk and may incite further protests.

AI dismissed the charges as baseless and urged authorities to release the prisoners unconditionally. Khanyo Farisè, AI’s deputy regional director for East and Southern Africa, expressed deep concern over the arrest and continued detention of the activists.

“This is a disturbing pattern of repression against individuals exercising their right to peaceful assembly and expression,” said Farisè. “Zimbabwean authorities must immediately and unconditionally release these opposition members and drop all charges against them.”

AI emphasized the need for the authorities to uphold the country’s Constitution and adhere to international human rights obligations. Farisè highlighted that these obligations include the right to peaceful assembly, liberty, and freedom from torture and other ill-treatment.

“Authorities must promptly, thoroughly, impartially, independently, transparently, and effectively investigate allegations that some of those arrested were tortured while in police custody,” she said. Farisè also called on police to prosecute those responsible for the torture of the activists and ensure that the affected individuals receive urgent medical attention.

“It is crucial for societies to be able to exercise their human rights. If they are not able to exercise their right to freedom of assembly and expression, it leads to a context where people cannot meaningfully engage with those in power,” Farisè added. “This makes for a context of further human rights violations.”

The CCC activists claim to have been tortured following their arrest. They are scheduled to appear in court this week to seek bail once more. Last week, the High Court upheld a lower court’s decision to deny them bail.

The continued detention of the CCC activists has brought significant attention to Zimbabwe’s human rights record. Critics argue that the government’s actions are part of a broader pattern of suppressing dissent and curbing political freedoms.

Amnesty International’s call for action has intensified pressure on Zimbabwean authorities to address these allegations and uphold human rights standards. The situation underscores the broader issues of political repression and human rights abuses in the country.

As the activists await their court appearance, the international community continues to monitor the situation closely. The outcome of the bail hearing will likely have significant implications for Zimbabwe’s political landscape and its adherence to human rights principles.


Source: Newsday

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