Harare Council Faces Crisis Over Sadc Summit Preparations Delays

Procurement Issues Stall Key Renovations

by Adenike Adeodun

The Harare City Council’s renovation and beautification efforts are in disarray. The local authority’s procurement department faces accusations of sabotaging preparations for the upcoming Southern African Development Community (Sadc) Heads of State and Government Summit.

This frustration was evident during a special full council meeting held yesterday. Councillors criticized the procurement department for delaying the approval of essential equipment needed to facelift the capital ahead of the summit, scheduled for August 17 and 18.

Councillor Jane Bingari, chairperson of the subcommittee on Town House renovations and beautification, voiced her concerns. “The team at the procurement department is stalling progress. They seem interested only in matters that benefit them personally. They don’t want to work at all,” she said.

Councillor Denford Ngadziore echoed Bingari’s sentiments. “The procurement department prioritizes issues from which they benefit. Their lack of seriousness is alarming, and we must address this urgently,” he stated.

George Mujajati, chairperson of human resources, also noted the procurement department’s incompetence. “This is national sabotage. We’ve observed sabotage and incompetence, and we need to decide on the way forward,” he added.

Despite these issues, Mayor Jacob Mafume assured that preparations for the Sadc summit were on track. In an interview with NewsDay, he said, “We are proceeding with preparations in line with the Sadc beautification program and beyond. We are almost ready to host the summit, but we need to work day and night.”

Mayor Mafume highlighted several improvements, including better road markings, new streetlights, revamped traffic lights, and enhanced security at recreational facilities and parks. However, renovations at the Town House had not yet started, just days before the summit.

The council’s renovation and beautification program aimed to present Harare in its best light for the summit. Yet, internal conflicts and procurement delays have hindered progress. The council’s leaders are now under pressure to resolve these issues quickly.

Harare’s efforts to host the Sadc summit come at a critical time. The event will bring together leaders from across Southern Africa, offering a chance to showcase the city’s potential. However, the ongoing disputes within the council threaten to overshadow these preparations.

Councillors are now calling for a more proactive approach to ensure that the city’s infrastructure and appearance meet the standards expected for such a high-profile event. The pressure is on to resolve procurement issues and move forward with the necessary renovations.

The procurement department’s alleged sabotage has raised serious concerns about the efficiency and integrity of the city’s administration. Councillors are demanding accountability and swift action to address the delays. The focus remains on ensuring that Harare is ready to welcome the Sadc leaders.

In the coming days, the council will need to intensify its efforts. The summit is not only a significant diplomatic event but also an opportunity for Harare to enhance its international reputation. Success depends on overcoming internal obstacles and presenting a unified front.


Source: Newsday

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