Chamisa Defies Critics, Vows to Continue Zimbabwe’s Political Struggle

Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa dismisses calls to quit, pledges to fight on.

by Adenike Adeodun

Nelson Chamisa, the former leader of Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), is facing intense pressure from critics who say he should step down from politics. Despite the backlash, Chamisa has made it clear that he’s not going anywhere and is ready to fight for Zimbabwe’s future, no matter how tough the road gets.

Chamisa’s political journey has never been easy. In the face of government crackdowns, including the recent arrests of around 200 political and human rights activists during the 44th Southern African Development Community (SADC) Heads of State and Government Summit in Zimbabwe, Chamisa has stood firm. These arrests, which many believe were orchestrated by state security agents, have sparked outrage. Some of this anger has been directed at Chamisa, with critics accusing him of weakening the opposition’s ability to fight for justice.

Among those calling for Chamisa to leave politics are prominent figures like freelance journalist Hopewell Chin’ono and respected author and publisher Ibbo Mandaza. They argue that Chamisa has failed to live up to the legacy of the late Morgan Tsvangirai, the founder of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), from which the CCC emerged. These critics believe that Chamisa’s leadership has been ineffective and that it’s time for someone new to take the reins.

Chamisa, however, is not backing down. He acknowledges that standing up for what’s right is never easy, but he insists that the struggle is worth it. “These few are in it for the long haul, for service and for Zimbabwe and its people, and I am proud to belong to this category,” Chamisa stated in a message shared across social media.

He went on to describe the struggles he and his supporters face as part of a long tradition of painful but necessary fights for justice. Chamisa is convinced that the suffering they endure will eventually lead to victory. “All this suffering is not in vain. We cannot go through all this pain not to receive our gain and victory in due time,” he said.

Chamisa also took aim at his critics, accusing them of playing the blame game as a way to cope with post-election disappointment. He suggested that some of his detractors are not truly committed to the cause but are instead opportunists who shout the loudest while secretly serving the interests of those in power.

“Some admire the opportunities offered by occupying office and being in government—whether as president, minister, MP, or councillor. Some are content with the benefits and privileges of power and position as opposition for life,” Chamisa said. He expressed his disdain for those who are in politics merely for survival or personal gain, rather than for genuine change.

Since stepping down from his role as CCC leader in January, Chamisa has kept a relatively low profile, opting to engage subtly through social media. His decision to leave the CCC followed internal turmoil, which saw several of the party’s legislators purged by Sengezo Tshabangu, the self-imposed interim secretary-general. This move was widely seen as evidence of deep infiltration by the ruling party, Zanu PF.

Despite the criticism and challenges, Chamisa continues to offer words of encouragement to his followers, often invoking his faith with the phrase “God is in it.” This has left many wondering what his next move will be and what the future holds for the opposition movement in Zimbabwe.

Chamisa remains a polarizing figure—admired by some for his resilience and criticized by others for his perceived failures. But one thing is clear: Chamisa isn’t ready to quit the fight for a better Zimbabwe. He’s in it for the long haul, determined to see his country through its current struggles, no matter how tough the journey may be.


Source: Newsday

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