Harare Mayor Urges Unity Among Zanu PF, CCC Councillors

Mayor Mafume Calls for Cross-Party Collaboration to Drive City’s Progress

by Victor Adetimilehin

Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume has made a strong appeal for unity and collaboration among councilors from different political parties, emphasizing the need to set aside partisan differences in the interest of the city’s development. His call comes in the wake of the successful collaboration between Harare City Council and the Local Government ministry, which led to a significant facelift of the city ahead of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit.

Mafume Advocates for Unity

During an orientation session for local government officials, mayors, and councilors in Harare, Mayor Mafume highlighted the importance of cooperation across party lines. He noted that despite the varying political affiliations within the council, the shared goal of improving Harare and serving its residents should take precedence. “We are from different parties, but the city is the same, the country is the same,” Mafume remarked, underscoring the common purpose that unites the councilors.

Mafume pointed to the recent collaboration between Harare City Council and various government ministries as a testament to what can be achieved when political differences are set aside. The mayor stressed that such cooperation is vital for the progress of the city and the well-being of its citizens. “As we worked together, we proved that despite being from different parties, we share a common goal to make our people achieve and make Zimbabwe proud,” he said.

Overcoming Historical Tensions

Historically, there have been tensions between Zimbabwe’s Central government and city councils, with local authorities often accusing the government of interfering in municipal affairs. However, Mafume’s recent comments suggest a shift towards a more collaborative approach. He emphasized that the focus should now be on serving the people of Harare, rather than engaging in political infighting.

The mayor acknowledged that political analysis and scrutiny would eventually return during election periods, but he urged councilors to focus on their current responsibilities. “It will come a time when elections are declared; we will then analyze each other’s conduct. But for now, we analyze how we help each other to make the people achieve and make Zimbabwe proud,” Mafume added.

A Call for Continued Cooperation

Mafume’s call for unity is particularly significant as Harare continues to face numerous challenges, including infrastructure decay, water shortages, and waste management issues. The recent improvements made in preparation for the SADC Summit demonstrated the positive impact that cross-party collaboration can have on addressing these problems.

Moving forward, Mayor Mafume is advocating for a continued spirit of cooperation among councilors from the ruling Zanu PF and opposition CCC parties. By working together, he believes that Harare can achieve significant progress and set an example for other cities in Zimbabwe.

As the political climate in Zimbabwe remains complex, Mafume’s appeal for unity highlights the importance of prioritizing the needs of the people over partisan interests. With the success of the recent collaboration as a foundation, there is hope that Harare’s leaders will continue to work together to tackle the city’s pressing issues.

Source: New Zimbabwe


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