Zimbabwean Woman Threatens HR Manager With Black Magic Over Unpaid Salary

Woman Threatens HR Manager With Black Magic Over Salary Dispute in Zimbabwe

by Motoni Olodun

In a bizarre incident in Harare, Zimbabwe, a woman brought a live tortoise to her workplace, allegedly threatening to use it as part of a black magic ritual against her Human Resources (HR) manager for withholding her salary. The unusual confrontation has sparked widespread discussion about workplace disputes and cultural beliefs in the country.

The woman, whose identity has been withheld, reportedly stormed into her office with the tortoise and confronted the HR manager, accusing them of unfairly withholding her salary. According to eyewitnesses, the woman claimed that the tortoise would be used to cast a spell on the manager if her demands were not met.

Employees present during the incident described the scene as both frightening and surreal. “She was very upset and kept saying she would use black magic to ensure she got what she deserved,” said one coworker who asked to remain anonymous. The HR manager, visibly shaken by the encounter, immediately called security to intervene.

Belief in black magic, often referred to locally as “juju,” remains prevalent in some parts of Zimbabwe, particularly when it comes to personal disputes and conflicts. While such beliefs are more commonly associated with rural areas, this incident highlights how traditional practices and beliefs can sometimes intersect with modern professional environments.

Following the confrontation, the company’s management decided to involve the local authorities to resolve the matter. The woman was escorted out of the premises, and a meeting was held to address her grievances regarding the unpaid salary. It was later revealed that a clerical error had caused the delay in her payment, which has since been rectified.

This unusual episode has prompted discussions about how companies should handle conflicts involving cultural beliefs and practices. In Zimbabwe, where traditional customs often play a significant role in everyday life, businesses sometimes find themselves navigating complex cultural landscapes.

Workplace experts in Zimbabwe have weighed in on the incident, suggesting that employers should be sensitive to the cultural backgrounds of their employees while maintaining a professional environment. “It’s important for businesses to understand and respect the diverse beliefs of their employees, but also to have clear policies in place for handling such situations,” said Tatenda Ndlovu, a human resources consultant based in Harare.

The incident also raises questions about the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution in the workplace. In this case, a simple clerical error escalated into a major confrontation due to a lack of communication and understanding. Experts suggest that open channels of communication and timely resolution of issues can prevent such incidents from occurring.

Despite the strange nature of the confrontation, the company has expressed its commitment to addressing employee concerns and ensuring that all grievances are handled in a timely and respectful manner. “We are taking steps to improve our payroll processes and ensure that all employees are paid on time,” said a company spokesperson.

While the incident may seem humorous or surreal to some, it highlights the deep cultural beliefs that continue to influence daily life in Zimbabwe. As the country continues to modernize, the challenge for many businesses will be to respect these traditions while fostering a professional and inclusive workplace environment.

Source: New Zimbabwe

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