Overdosing on Sex Enhancing Drugs Poses Deadly Risks, Warns Expert

Misuse of sex enhancers in Zimbabwe linked to severe health risks and fatalities.

by Adenike Adeodun

A growing number of people in Zimbabwe are putting their health at serious risk by misusing sex-enhancement drugs, a top medical expert has warned. Dr. Johannes Marisa, president of the Medical and Dental Private Practitioners Association of Zimbabwe, spoke out about the dangers of taking too many of these drugs, which are intended to help with sexual problems but can be harmful when misused.

Dr. Marisa explained that while sex enhancers can be safe when taken in the correct doses, many people are overdosing in hopes of boosting their sexual performance. “People want to have a good time, but they end up taking too much,” he said. “This often happens when someone has multiple partners and thinks more of the drug will help, but it actually leads to serious health issues.”

Recently, a former police Chief Superintendent, Francis Matsika, tragically died at his girlfriend’s house while using a sex enhancer. He reportedly had erectile dysfunction and asked his girlfriend to prepare a strong concoction to help him.

Sex enhancement drugs, which are designed to improve erectile function and increase sexual desire, have become widely available in Zimbabwe’s towns and cities, often sold by unregulated street vendors. These unapproved concoctions can be particularly dangerous.

Dr. Marisa noted that taking too many of these drugs can lead to severe health problems such as high blood pressure, severe headaches, and blurred vision. “The biggest danger is severe hypertension,” he warned. “This is why some people end up dying after using these drugs.”

He also pointed out that there is a common misconception that a man always needs to be sexually powerful, leading some to misuse these drugs with dangerous consequences. “Even when they know the risks, people think they’ll deal with the consequences later,” Dr. Marisa said.

The public is urged to be cautious and follow medical advice when it comes to using any kind of medication, especially sex enhancers. Misusing these drugs is not worth the serious health risks involved.


Source: Newsday

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