Zimbabwe’s Bid for UN Security Council Seat Gains African Support

Zimbabwe gains continental support for bid to join UN Security council

by Motoni Olodun


  • Zimbabwe secures African Union backing for a seat on the UN Security Council.
  • The bid represents Zimbabwe’s effort to amplify Africa’s voice in global governance.
  • Regional leaders express support, emphasizing the importance of fair representation for Africa.

Zimbabwe’s bid to attain a non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has been endorsed by the African Union (AU) and other regional heads of state.

In its foreign policy agenda, Zimbabwe is among the countries that are interested in increasing the voice of Africa in international organizations. The move aligns with other African countries’ desire to have a louder say in global affairs.

The approval from the AU is a major boost for Zimbabwe, which is aspiring to be a major foreign policy actor.

This comes at a time when leaders of the world are gradually beginning to appreciate the need for equitable representation of all the world’s regions in such important decision-making organs as the UN Security Council.

New Zimbabwe has it that Zimbabwe’s bid for the seat is viewed as part of the efforts by African nations to transform the current order of international organizations.

The UNSC comprises 15 members of which 5 are permanent members with veto power and has been accused of bias in terms of population and geographical distribution, especially of the African continent.

Africa’s increasing need for voice

The bid for a non-permanent seat in the Security Council is part of the reformation process that Africa is undertaking in the international system where it is marginalized.

Even though a majority of the UN member states are African countries, the continent has always had a weak representation in the UNSC which determines issues of peace, security, and conflicts in the world.

Over the past few years, the African leaders have been speaking in one voice calling for a fairer world order. The AU has demanded changes that would guarantee African nations a permanent seat in the UNSC given the continent’s strategic location.

Zimbabwe’s Foreign Affairs Minister was happy for the continental support and said that the support from fellow African nations boosts the chances of success in the bid.

Other leaders of the region such as those from South Africa and Nigeria have also endorsed the move noting the need for Africa to have a more proactive role in the determination of the peace and security of the world.

Zimbabwe’s diplomatic efforts for international recognition

The bid for a non-permanent seat in the UNSC is one of the many steps Zimbabwe is taking to increase its diplomatic power and reintegrate into the international community.

After coming out of political and economic isolation for several years, Zimbabwe has been aggressively seeking recognition and enhancing its foreign relations.

The successful bid would not only enhance the image of Zimbabwe but also afford the country a chance to contribute significantly towards the resolution of some of the most pressing global issues such as conflict, climate change and international security.

Also, the leadership of Zimbabwe has indicated that they want to use the forum to discuss issues affecting Africa only such as economic growth, peace, and fairness in trade.

Aspiration for a better international relations system

The backing of Zimbabwe’s candidature provides a ray of light for the prospect of more far-reaching changes in the United Nations system.

Both African leaders and other international actors have been advocating for change in the composition of the UNSC to fit the current world where the power is more distributed among developing countries.

While Zimbabwe continues with its campaign, there is optimism that it stands a good chance to open up more slots for Africans in other global governance institutions.

This is viewed as a positive development in the sense that more African countries would be involved in the major global decisions.

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