Warrant Issued for Arrest of Late Mugabe’s Son Over Property Damage

Robert Mugabe Jr. wanted by police for property damage charges

by Motoni Olodun


  • A warrant has been issued for Robert Mugabe Jr., son of Zimbabwe’s late former president.
  • Mugabe Jr. is accused of causing damage to property at a Harare party.
  • The police have escalated efforts to locate and arrest him.

Robert Mugabe Jr, son of Zimbabwe’s late former president, was issued an arrest warrant. Mugabe Jr. is facing charges of damaging property during a party in the capital city of Harare, which has again brought the famous family to legal trouble.

The warrant was issued after Mugabe Jr. failed to attend a court hearing after he was accused of destroying property at a private function. Police have stepped up the search for the 31-year-old man who is now a suspect in connection with the attack.

Legal woes of Mugabe Jr.

Robert Mugabe Jr. who has not been as active in politics as his father has also been involved in similar scandals in the past especially involving high-profile events and parties. His latest brush with the law was in a Harare suburb where he was said to have wrecked several cars and other property at a party.

Although more information about the event is still forthcoming, people who attended the event said Mugabe Jr. was involved in a scuffle that caused the destruction. The owners of the damaged property have since reported the matter to the police and the matter is now in court.

New Zimbabwe also reports that this is not the first time Mugabe Jr. has been in trouble with the law over public misconduct. In previous cases, the charges were either dismissed or settled out of court, which has left people wondering about his culpability.

But the Zimbabwean authorities have come out in the open to assure the public that they are not taking the matter lightly.

Police hunt for Mugabe Jr.

The Zimbabwean police have upped their search for Mugabe Jr. with police officers appealing to him to turn himself in.

“We have arrested him and released a warrant for his arrest and our officers are doing everything possible to make sure that he appears in court to answer to the charges,” a police spokesperson said.

The warrant is the latest development in the legal troubles that have befallen the Mugabe family since the death of the former president in 2019.

While Robert Mugabe Jr has not participated in politics, he leads a flashy lifestyle which puts him in the limelight and hence becomes a subject of discussion in Zimbabwe.

This event has only added to the existing questions about the Mugabe family’s status and power in Zimbabwe today, as the nation tries to come to terms with the loss of its former leader. People are waiting to see what will happen in this case and if Mugabe Jr. will be punished.

Hope for accountability

However, there is hope that since the name Mugabe is well known, the legal process will be fair and everyone, regardless of their position will be held accountable.

The justice system in Zimbabwe has been accused of being soft on high-profile people and is now under pressure to prove that nobody is above the law.

While Zimbabweans await the next course of action in this case, there is hope that the rule of law will prevail and act as a benchmark for how such matters are dealt with.

If Robert Mugabe Jr. is to be taken to court, this will be a landmark in the country’s legal system, especially because of

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