Robbery Unraveled: Quest Financial Services Insiders Caught

Harare Heist: Employees, Accomplices Steal Over $720K

by Adenike Adeodun

In a notable incident at Quest Financial Services’ Belgravia branch in Harare, a robbery orchestrated by three of its employees has drawn significant attention. The event, unfolding on a seemingly regular Saturday, escalated into a major crime scene when these employees collaborated with six additional accomplices. Together, they executed a heist that resulted in the theft of a staggering US$720,676, ZAR 10,500, EURO 120, a 7.65 mm CZ Vzor pistol, and three laptops. This incident not only highlights the audacity of the perpetrators but also the vulnerabilities within corporate security measures.

Following the robbery, the Zimbabwe Republic Police, spearheaded by Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, launched an intensive investigation. This probe led to the identification and subsequent arrest of one Brighton Chikukwa in Mbare, who was implicated in the crime. Chikukwa’s arrest was a breakthrough in the case, as he revealed the identities of his accomplices: Zacharia Charuwanda (also known as Zero), Trymore Chimbambo, Maxwell Kadzembe, Silence Matambo, Washington Mangwanda, Liberty Mukanganise, Tafadzwa Richard Marondera, and Luke Zinyengere. This network of individuals, now linked to the robbery, underscores the complexity and premeditation involved in the crime.

The investigative efforts of the CID Homicide detectives were commendable, as they meticulously tracked the suspects and their ill-gotten gains. Chikukwa, who received US$40,000 from the heist, was found to have purchased a Ford Ranger D4D vehicle with part of his share, a tangible asset that the police were able to recover along with US$25,000 in cash. The subsequent arrests of Silence Matambo and Washington Mangwanda in Mbare further demonstrated the effectiveness of the police’s strategy, leveraging Chikukwa’s information to dismantle the robbery network.

The recovery of assets and cash from the suspects was a significant achievement for the police. For instance, Washington Mangwanda, who had acquired a Toyota Aqua vehicle with part of his share, and Liberty Mukanganise, apprehended at the Boka Tobacco Auction Floors, had their proceeds of crime confiscated. These recoveries not only signify the police’s resolve to address the robbery but also the financial repercussions for those involved.

The case took a turn with the arrest of Marondera and Zinyengere in Glen View, leading to the recovery of US$50,600 and luxurious items, including an iPhone 14 Pro Max and an iPhone 15 Pro Max. These recoveries shed light on the lavish expenditures of the culprits, financed by their criminal activities.

Assistant Commissioner Nyathi, in his statement, commended the public for their crucial role in providing information that led to the arrests. He emphasized the importance of corporate discretion in handling sensitive information, noting that the leakage of such details often aids criminals in executing high-profile robberies. This advice is paramount, as it speaks to the broader implications of the case for corporate security protocols.

The Quest Financial Services robbery case is a stark reminder of the threats posed by internal collusion in financial institutions. It highlights the necessity for stringent security measures and the critical role of law enforcement in upholding public safety. The swift action by the Zimbabwe Republic Police, leading to the apprehension of the suspects and recovery of a significant portion of the stolen assets, illustrates the effectiveness of collaborative efforts between the community and the police. This case serves as a cautionary tale for corporations, urging them to reassess their security frameworks and employee access to sensitive information to prevent such breaches in the future.

In conclusion, the robbery at Quest Financial Services is a complex case that underscores the importance of internal security measures and the vigilance of law enforcement agencies. The successful recovery of stolen assets and the arrest of the suspects involved demonstrate the capability of the police to respond effectively to such crimes. However, it also serves as a reminder of the need for corporations to adopt more secure and discreet handling of sensitive information to deter insider-assisted crimes.


Source: Newsday

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