Brigadier General Vezha Declared National Hero After Tragic Road Accident

Fatal Road Accident Claims Lives of Zimbabwe Defence Forces Officers

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

Zimbabwe is grieving the loss of Brigadier General Shadreck Vezha, who has been declared a national hero by President Emmerson Mnangagwa after he passed away in a road traffic accident. The accident took place on the busy Harare-Bulawayo road and resulted in the loss of lives of other Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) officers.

Zanu PF Politburo member, Lovemore Matuke, made an announcement at the late army chief’s homestead in Chivi, Masvingo province. During the announcement, Matuke stated that the Head of State, through its Politburo, had awarded national hero status to the late Brigadier-General Vezha, who had passed away a few days ago. This reflects the magnitude of the loss felt across the nation.

The fatal incident occurred due to a head-on collision when the vehicle carrying Brigadier-General Vezha and his colleagues attempted an overtaking maneuver that went tragically wrong. According to Brigadier-General Augustine Chipwere, ZDF director of public relations and international affairs, the accident was a direct result of the late Brigadier-General’s vehicle encroaching into the lane of oncoming traffic while trying to overtake another vehicle.

Brigadier-General Shadreck Vezha, Major Thabani Ncube, Major Mqondisi Gumbo, and Sergeant Chakabaiwa were involved in a road traffic accident at the 180-km peg along the Harare-Bulawayo Road, about 2km from Battlefields. The accident occurred when a military vehicle collided head-on with a Mazda CX-5 that was traveling in the opposite direction towards Kwekwe, resulting in catastrophic outcomes.

The collision was so severe that it caused multiple casualties beyond the immediate loss of lives. Some passengers who were aboard both vehicles sustained varying degrees of injury and are currently receiving treatment at Gweru and Kwekwe General hospitals. The conferment of national hero status on Brigadier General Vezha is not only a recognition of his service to the nation but also a solemn reminder of the risks that service members face even in peacetime. It brings to light the importance of honoring those who have served the country, often at great personal risk.

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