Ziyambi Ejected from Parliament in Clash with Speaker

Ministerial Dispute Disrupts Parliamentary Proceedings

by Victor Adetimilehin

In a dramatic turn of events witnessed by visiting Namibian lawmakers, a heated exchange erupted on Wednesday between Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda and Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi. The disagreement centered on the presentation of a Notice of Motion regarding a proposed Land Tenure Security Law.

According to reports, Speaker Mudenda anticipated Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi presenting the Notice of Motion on the Land Tenure Security Law himself. However, Ziyambi opted to delegate the task to his Deputy Minister, Mazungunye.

Ministerial Defiance Leads to Tense Standoff

The situation escalated when Ziyambi chose to disregard Mudenda’s instructions. Instead of presenting the motion, Ziyambi indicated he intended to have a “private conversation” with his staff. This act of defiance unfolded in full view of the Namibian delegation and parliamentary staff observing from the gallery.

Mudenda, upon learning of the initial plan for Mazungunye to deliver the motion, sought clarification. He directly addressed Ziyambi, stating his expectation for the Minister to handle the presentation personally. Ziyambi, however, remained undeterred and insisted on his Deputy presenting the motion, leading to a back-and-forth exchange.

Mudenda Asserts Authority, Orders Minister to Leave

“The Deputy Minister is going to move the motion. Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir,” Ziyambi responded curtly.

Mudenda countered decisively, questioning Ziyambi’s abrupt departure and emphasizing his obligation to deliver the motion himself. “So, if you are going to make some conversation there, I am saying no. You should submit the motion. Your private conversation – Hon. Minister, your private conversation does not take precedence over this august House,” the Speaker asserted his authority, leaving no room for further debate.

The tense situation escalated when a frustrated Ziyambi approached the Speaker’s chair and challenged the decision. “You are being harsh,” he argued, further contesting Mudenda’s interpretation of the rules. Ziyambi demanded that Mudenda identify the specific constitutional provision prohibiting a Deputy Minister from presenting a motion.

Unresolved Dispute Leaves Questions Lingering

Mudenda’s firm stance resulted in Ziyambi’s ejection from the House. The disagreement between the Speaker and the Minister remains unresolved, leaving questions about the Land Tenure Security Law and parliamentary decorum unanswered. It is unclear whether the motion was ultimately presented by Ziyambi or Mazungunye, and the details surrounding the proposed Land Tenure Security Law itself have not been made public.

This incident has sparked discussions about ministerial accountability and adherence to parliamentary procedures in Namibia. The Namibian Parliament is expected to release a statement clarifying the events and any potential ramifications for Ziyambi’s actions.

Source: New Zimbabwe

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