Time for a Change: Youth Must Lead as Power Shifts

Old systems fade; the new generation's moment to reshape the future.

by Adenike Adeodun

Imagine if you could stop time, and freeze everything just as it is. No more aging, no more change. For those in power, this would be the ultimate dream—a way to stay in control forever. But time, like the seasons, never stands still. It pushes forward, pulling everything along with it, no matter how hard we try to hold on.

The truth is, power is like a sweet addiction. Once people have it, they don’t want to let it go. They do everything they can to hold on to it, even if it means slowing down progress and blocking opportunities for others. They create obstacles, not because they’re afraid of the future, but because they’re afraid of losing their grip on the present.

However, power and time are on different tracks. While those in power try to pause their moment in the spotlight, time keeps ticking, indifferent to their desires. Everything in the world grows, changes, and eventually, fades away. Life is no different. We start young, full of energy and potential, and as time passes, we age, making room for the next generation to step in and take their place.

But here’s the catch: those in power don’t just resist aging for themselves—they resist the change that should naturally come with time. They create systems that keep them in control, shutting down any hope for new ideas or fresh leadership. They want to be feared, obeyed, and remembered as the ones in charge, even if it means stifling everyone else’s growth.

Yet, no matter how much they resist, time is the great equalizer. It comes for everyone, and when it does, it’s unstoppable. When the old generation eventually steps down—whether by choice or by the inevitable passage of time—a new generation must step up, ready to take on the challenges left behind.

This cycle of life isn’t just about individual lives ending; it’s about societies, systems, and ideas evolving. Every generation has its chance to make a mark, to learn from the mistakes of those who came before, and to create a better world. But to do that, the new generation has to be brave enough to take the reins, even when the old guard is reluctant to let go.

Look around at the world today. The old ways have left us with scars—wars, environmental destruction, and a planet that’s in desperate need of healing. The leaders of the past and present played their games of power, often ignoring the long-term consequences of their actions. Now, it’s the younger generation’s turn to decide what comes next.

The forests that once thrived are disappearing, thanks to the relentless pursuit of wealth and modernization. The air we breathe and the climate we depend on are under threat from the same greed. If nothing changes, the world we’re passing on to the next generation will be in far worse shape than the one we inherited.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The power to change things is within reach, if only the younger generation is willing to seize it. This isn’t about impatience; it’s about recognizing that the old ways are burning our future and that it’s time to act. It’s time for a new revolution—not one of violence or anger, but of innovation, sustainability, and hope.

Start by pushing aside the old ideas that no longer serve us. Embrace the urgency of the moment and take bold steps to protect the world you’re inheriting. Plant new trees where the old forests have been lost, and nurture new ideas where old ones have failed. Build a future where power isn’t something to be hoarded, but something to be shared for the good of all.

Even those of us who once fought for change but grew tired and disillusioned are looking to you with hope. We may have failed to bring about the transformation we dreamed of, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late. If you succeed where we did not, perhaps we can find some peace in our final days, knowing that the world is moving in a better direction.

Remember, though, that time won’t stop for you either. As you take on the challenges of today, you too will age, and eventually, your time will come to pass the torch. The key is to make sure that when you do, you leave behind a world that’s better than the one you found—a world where power isn’t feared, but respected; where progress isn’t blocked, but encouraged; and where every generation has the chance to thrive.

So, take the reins. The world is waiting for your revolution.


Source: Newsday

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