ED 2030: Zanu-PF Seeks Constitutional Amendment to Extend Mnangagwa’s Presidency

Zanu Party Allies Push to Allow Mnangagwa to Exceed Two-Term Limit

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

Allies of President Emmerson Mnangagwa are making efforts to change Zimbabwe’s Constitution to allow him to serve more than the two terms currently allowed. This is happening despite Mnangagwa’s public commitment to stepping down after his second term ends in 2028. The ruling Zanu-PF party is considering a resolution to change the supreme law at its annual conference in October, starting a potentially controversial political process.

Zanu-PF’s Harare province has taken the first step by resolving to push for the constitutional amendment that would allow Mnangagwa to stay in power. Other provinces are expected to do the same in the coming weeks, showing the party’s broader plan to ensure Mnangagwa’s leadership beyond 2028. Harare provincial chairperson Godwills Masimirembwa confirmed this resolution, emphasizing the urgency of the matter.

“The most pressing issue is that the Constitution of Zimbabwe needs to be amended to allow him to remain in power beyond 2028. We are aware of the constitutional restrictions; it currently states that the President can serve a maximum of two terms, each lasting five years,” Masimirembwa stated. His comments reflect the growing momentum within Zanu-PF to challenge the existing constitutional framework, with proposals to extend the length of each term, increase the term limit from two to three terms, or remove term limits altogether.

Zanu-PF’s two-thirds majority in Parliament gives the party the power to amend the Constitution. However, this would not be easy since the current Constitution includes a clause that prevents any amendment from benefiting the sitting president. Mnangagwa’s allies are advocating for the early initiation of the amendment process to ensure the clause can be repealed, thus allowing Mnangagwa to benefit from the changes.

Masimirembwa did not shy away from this legal challenge, acknowledging that the clause restricting amendments from benefiting the incumbent could also be modified. “This too could be changed to ensure that the current President, Mnangagwa, benefits from any amendment that extends the term length or removes the term limits altogether,” he added. This strategy shows the determination of Mnangagwa’s supporters to secure his continued leadership, despite potential legal and political obstacles.

Zanu-PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa stated that while some provinces have proposed constitutional amendments, these resolutions do not yet represent the official position of the party. He emphasized that the party is democratic and allows provinces to make their resolutions for the conference, but clarified that the politburo, the highest decision-making body, has not discussed any issues related to the proposed amendments.


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