Zimbabweans Rally for Democracy as Activists Are Arrested

Freedom Now" campaign fights for fair elections and human rights.

by Adenike Adeodun

A group of citizens in Zimbabwe is launching a new campaign called “Freedom Now” to fight for democracy and protect people’s rights. This movement is gaining momentum, especially since over 160 pro-democracy activists were arrested just before the August 17 Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit in Mt Hampden.

“Freedom Now” is a campaign aiming to unite people from all backgrounds to challenge the current system, which the organizers say benefits only a small group while most citizens suffer. The movement’s main goal is to establish a true democracy in Zimbabwe where the rule of law is respected, and everyone’s fundamental rights are protected.

According to a statement from the organizers, the campaign will focus on five key areas to achieve freedom. One of these pillars is creating a democratic environment where citizens can freely demand better economic opportunities and social protections.

The organizers argue that simply having elections is not enough to bring about change in Zimbabwe. They believe that the whole voting system needs to be more democratic before elections can be considered a real path to ending authoritarian rule. “Freedom Now” plans to work with various groups to reform the electoral process, ensuring that future elections are free and fair.

To achieve this, the campaign will gather input from different state officials on how to move the country forward. However, those negotiating on behalf of the campaign will remain anonymous for their safety and to ensure the focus stays on the issues, not the individuals involved.

The “Freedom Now” campaign also aims to shed light on what they call the autocratic rule in Harare and the ongoing violations of citizens’ rights. The organizers believe that by exposing these issues, they can gain international support and cooperation to push for change. They are calling on the global community to participate in a well-organized strategy for international cooperation.

The group also plans to organize mass protests to pressure the current government to engage in meaningful dialogue. They hope this will set the stage for free and fair elections in the future.

Despite these efforts, the road to free and fair elections in Zimbabwe remains a tough one. There have been many accusations of election rigging by the ruling Zanu PF party, which has led to widespread mistrust in the electoral process.

Recently, Home Affairs Minister Kazembe Kazembe warned that the police would not hesitate to stop any protests that threaten the country’s peace. This statement suggests that the government may continue to crack down on those pushing for democratic reforms.


Source: Newsday

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