Unpaid Polling Agents Raise Concerns Within the Citizens’ Coalition for Change

by Oluwatosin Alabi

Reports have emerged from the Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) about unpaid polling agents deployed during the Harmonised Elections in Hwange Central on August 23rd. These agents, primarily from Empumalanga Suburb in Hwange, have expressed their frustration over unpaid compensation.

In a WhatsApp group dedicated to CCC Hwange Central Polling Agents, those who vocalized their concerns faced backlash, including being ejected from the group. One affected agent remarked, “Our chief polling agent directed us to the party for payment. But when we probed deeper about the exact payment channels, we were told that the CCC lacks proper structures. Everything seems to point to (CCC leader Nelson) Chamisa. Yet, we’re left without answers or clarity on our due compensation.”

Many agents are in the dark about the specifics of their payment, with some hearing vague promises like “tokens of appreciation.” Such ambiguity has caused concerns about whether the compensation will match the efforts they put in.

Additionally, it’s not just a few agents facing this issue. Some agents shared that administrators, including one Charity Munenge and MP Daniel Molokele, removed members from the WhatsApp group for “being too vocal.” Reports indicate similar payment grievances in Victoria Falls and Lupane. In some cases, candidates, who were also business owners, had to dip into their pockets to pay the agents.

CCC’s national spokesperson, Promise Mkhwananzi, advised affected agents to reach out to the party’s “Elections department” for resolution. However, many are skeptical of the party’s ability to handle these concerns adequately.

This ongoing issue highlights the need for clear communication, transparency, and accountability in political parties, ensuring that all contributors, like polling agents, are compensated fairly for their pivotal roles in the democratic process.

Source: Pindula

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