Zimbabwean Parliament Members: A Call to Elevate Engagement

by Oluwatosin Alabi

Jacob Mudenda, the National Assembly Speaker, has issued a challenge. He wants the parliamentarians of Zimbabwe to increase their proactive participation. During a recent induction seminar for the 10th Parliament in Harare, Mudenda voiced concerns over some silent members.

Mudenda’s Concerns and Motivations

Certain MPs from the 9th Parliament completed their term without significant input. “Parliament requires active participation, not just presence,” he stated firmly. He believes MPs should drive the creation of laws that uplift the lives of the Zimbabwean people. “Our electorate has placed their faith in us,” Mudenda said. “We must light up the ambitions of our nation.”

The Role and Duty of MPs

The seminar aims to sharpen the abilities of the MPs. Mudenda reminded them of their significant and privileged roles. “Parliamentary service is an honor,” he asserted, “and it demands responsibility. We must serve Zimbabwe with humility and excellence.”

Moreover, being a part of the Parliament is more than just attendance. MPs should familiarize themselves with legislative frameworks and uphold transparency. They should also focus on accountability and stick to the rule of law. Additionally, Mudenda believes that profound love for one’s country is paramount.

The Vision Forward

In conclusion, Mudenda said that MPs’ success won’t solely rely on the laws or policies they implement. It’s about the nation’s prosperity. He urged, “Our dedication to our people’s well-being and our democratic values will showcase our service. Together, we must ensure a bright future for Zimbabwe.”

Furthermore, Mudenda envisions a Parliament that uses the law for real progress. “Our main goal,” he emphasized, “is to lead our citizens from poverty to prosperity.”

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