Mr. Teen Zimbabwe Loses Crown Over Alleged $30 Debacle

by Victor Adetimilehin

In a startling turn of events, the reigning Mr. Teen Zimbabwe 2023, Abel Mugari, has been stripped of his title following a tumultuous saga surrounding a mere $30. The unexpected dethronement has sent shockwaves through the pageant community, shedding light on the delicate balance between contestants and organizers. Mugari, crowned Mr. Teen Zimbabwe just two weeks ago alongside the Mr. Zimbabwe International pageant, found himself in the eye of the storm after being accused of failing to pay a $30 bootcamp fee and not attending the bootcamp as required.


The decision to dethrone Mugari was confirmed by Mr. Teen Zimbabwe organizer Ishmael Murangandi, who cited Mugari’s conduct as unacceptable. A thorough investigation into the matter was said to have informed this contentious choice. “The reason for this action is known by both parties and cannot be disclosed to the public in order to protect his reputation. Mugari has to surrender all awards that came with the title with immediate effect,” the statement read.


When contacted for comment, Mugari defended himself, revealing that he was reprimanded not only for the unpaid bootcamp fee but also for using his own accommodation and transportation from Harare to Bulawayo, where the pageant took place. Furthermore, Mugari disclosed that the pageant, to his surprise, offered no prize money. “The friction between me and the organizers started when they allegedly demanded $40 for a bootcamp I did not attend,” he explained.


Mugari clarified his financial situation, stating, “I was only able to pay them $10, which is all I had on me, and advised that I would discuss the balance payment with my parents, who cover my day-to-day expenses as a teenager.” His parents, in an attempt to resolve the matter, offered to pay 50% of the bootcamp fee, despite Mugari’s non-attendance, which was rejected by the organizers. This ultimately led to his dethronement. Mugari expressed his disappointment, saying, “It is quite upsetting to discover that all this has led to me being labeled as having behavior that is not fitting or unacceptable, and that I am not worthy to be the crown holder.”


This controversy highlights the fine line between contestant responsibilities and pageant organizers’ expectations, bringing into question the transparency and fairness of such events. In a world where beauty pageants celebrate talent, grace, and character, the abrupt removal of Mr. Teen Zimbabwe over a paltry sum of $30 prompts us to reflect on the true values and standards these competitions should uphold.


While this unfortunate episode may have tarnished Mugari’s reputation, it also underscores the importance of maintaining open communication and a fair framework within the pageant industry, where contestants are often young and financially dependent on their families. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for ethical and transparent practices in such competitions.


Source: [Newsday Zimbabwe]


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