Civic Group Initiates Climate Action Academy

by Adenike Adeodun

In a bold move towards feminist-inclusive climate solutions, the Hwange-based Economic Justice for Women Programme (EJWP) recently established the Feminist Academy for Climate Action (FACA). This groundbreaking academy champions community-centered, gender-inclusive activism, which is crucial in the fight against the mounting climate crisis.

According to a report by Newsday Zimbabwe, EJWP’s initiative emerges as the climate crisis increasingly threatens women, driving the organization to lead grassroots climate efforts. “We aim beyond standard activism, forging a transformative feminist wave where women and gender non-conforming individuals become central to climate solutions,” Margaret Mutsamvi, EJWP director, declared during the FACA inauguration.

FACA promises a collaborative hub for a broad spectrum of stakeholders, from at-risk rural inhabitants to professionals in academia, climate-centric organizations, and government sectors. “Our vision is a united front of activists, academics, and decision-makers, all fluent in feminist climate strategies,” Mutsamvi insisted, highlighting the academy’s broad-based approach.

FACA breaks away from traditional activism, fusing feminist advocacy with climate action. Its mission is to nurture well-informed changemakers who will lead balanced and enduring climate solutions on a global scale.

“We’re not just advocates; we’re architecting a cadre of leaders equipped with feminist environmental wisdom, primed to initiate community-rooted change,” explained Mutsamvi, revealing FACA’s strategic plan against insular, hierarchical climate conversations.

In 2017, the Zimbabwean government formulated the National Climate Policy (NCP) for a climate-resilient, low-carbon developmental path. Yet Mutsamvi critiques this policy as aloof, silencing grassroots contributions, notably from women.

EJWP, through FACA, is initiating a profound reevaluation of the societal norms that particularly endanger women in environmental disasters. “Given the multifaceted roles women play during crises, their active involvement in crafting solutions is indispensable,” Mutsamvi stressed.

EJWP, with FACA, participates provocatively in climate dialogues, challenging the foundational deficiencies that endanger communities, particularly women, in the face of environmental catastrophes.

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