Murwira Calls for Self-Confidence Among Zimbabweans

by Adenike Adeodun

In a pivotal move toward public sector enhancement, Zimbabwe’s Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Amon Murwira, urged citizens to embrace teamwork and future-focused mindsets. His remarks came during a groundbreaking memorandum of understanding (MoU) signing involving the Chartered Governance and Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe (CGIZ), the African Professionalisation Initiative (API), and the Management Training Bureau.

Highlighting untapped potential, Murwira questioned the underutilization of the country’s skilled workforce. “Our lack of networking, of functioning as a cohesive unit, hinders progress,” he observed, advocating for collaborative efforts over individual pursuits.

Discouraging a backward glance, Murwira championed a forward-thinking approach. “The past is behind us. Our focus must be on building the future and utilizing our resources,” he emphasized, criticizing the colonial mindset of dependency.

Addressing public sector financial implications, Public Accountants and Auditors Board secretary, Admire Ndurunduru, underscored the widespread impact of these funds. He insisted on actionable measures following the MoU, pointing out the contradiction of educated Zimbabweans undermining national development.

According to a report by Newsday Zimbabwe, CGIZ’s CEO, Lovemore Gomera, outlined his institution’s collaborative ventures, including varied qualifications enhancing governance, risk management, and compliance. He hinted at comprehensive educational programs, asserting their relevance in the professional realm.

Furthermore, Nelson Maseko, executive director of the Management Training Bureau, recognized the MoU’s potential, extending its influence beyond Zimbabwe to other African nations.

Reiterating the significance of professional training, Ndurunduru mentioned the presence of eight accounting bodies in Zimbabwe, stressing the necessity for degree holders to undergo specialized training.

In conclusion, API leader Evans Mulera praised Zimbabwe, acknowledging its substantial investment in education and the exceptional professionals it generates, reinforcing the nation’s esteemed standing in Africa.

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