Zimbabwean Politician Bailed After Attacking Rival’s Car

Former MP accused of smashing windows of vehicle used by Zanu PF supporters in by-election campaign

by Victor Adetimilehin

Zimbabwe’s former Mabvuku-Tafara MP Munyaradzi Kufahakutizwi has been released on free bail by a Harare magistrate after he allegedly damaged a vehicle belonging to a rival political group.


Kufahakutizwi, who was a member of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), is facing charges of malicious damage to property and assault. He is accused of leading a group of thugs who attacked a Toyota Hiace used by Pastors 4ED, an affiliate of the ruling Zanu PF party, in the run-up to the December 9 by-elections.


The by-elections were held to fill the vacant seat left by Kufahakutizwi, who was recalled by the CCC for filing nomination papers under a different party. He was later disqualified by the High Court and his opponent, Pedzai Sakupwanya, was declared the winner unopposed.


According to the prosecution, on November 21, Kufahakutizwi and his accomplices approached the Pastors 4ED vehicle at Kamunhu Shopping Centre in Mabvuku and forced open the doors. They then smashed the windows and demanded to see one Morgan Mupfurutsa, who was allegedly campaigning for Sakupwanya.


Kufahakutizwi reportedly instructed his accomplices to destroy the vehicle, saying “pastors 4ED should stick to preaching not politics, destroy their car”.


In another incident, on November 18, Kufahakutizwi is alleged to have assaulted a Mabvuku resident, Michael Nyasulu, for wearing a Zanu PF cap. Nyasulu had confronted some mourners at a funeral for stepping on his lawn. Kufahakutizwi grabbed him by the collar and punched him, accusing him of throwing stones at the mourners. Nyasulu managed to escape and reported the matter to the police.


Political Tensions in Zimbabwe


According to a report by New Zimbabwe, the incidents involving Kufahakutizwi reflect the high level of political violence and intimidation that has marred Zimbabwe’s electoral process. The country has been plagued by economic and social crises, exacerbated by the effects of climate change and the global pandemic.


The opposition parties have accused the Zanu PF government of rigging elections, violating human rights, and suppressing dissent. The government, on the other hand, has blamed the opposition and foreign powers for sabotaging the country’s development and stability.


Several opposition activists and members have been arrested, abducted, tortured, or killed in recent years. Some have fled the country or gone into hiding. The CCC, which was formed by former Zanu PF members who broke away from the party, has also faced internal divisions and defections.


The international community has expressed concern over the deteriorating situation in Zimbabwe and called for dialogue and reforms. The African Union, the Southern African Development Community, and the United Nations have urged the parties to respect the rule of law and the rights of the people.


Hope for a Peaceful Future


Despite the challenges and conflicts, some Zimbabweans have not given up hope for a peaceful and democratic future. They have continued to voice their demands and aspirations through various platforms, such as social media, civil society, and the arts.


Some have also engaged in initiatives that promote dialogue, reconciliation, and healing among the different political factions and communities. They have called for tolerance, respect, and cooperation among the citizens, regardless of their political affiliation.


As Zimbabwe prepares for the next general elections in 2023, many hope that the country will overcome its past and present troubles and embrace a new era of peace, prosperity, and progress.

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