Zimbabwe’s Private Sector Boosts Food Security Amid Climate Shocks

How National Foods and other companies are complementing the government’s efforts to achieve food and nutrition security by 2030.

by Motoni Olodun

Zimbabwe’s government has praised the role of the private sector in ensuring food security for the nation, amid the challenges of climate change, economic hardship, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The country has been facing recurrent droughts, cyclones, and floods that have devastated crops and livestock, leaving millions of people in need of food assistance.

One of the companies that has been complementing the government’s efforts is National Foods, a leading food manufacturer and distributor in Zimbabwe. The company has invested US$40 million into its operations over the past three years, indicating great confidence in the country’s potential.

The company produces maize meal, flour, stock feeds, and other products that are essential for the food and nutrition security of Zimbabweans. It also works closely with the government to understand the demand and supply of grain in the country, and to ensure adequate and affordable supply of its products.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Deputy Minister Vangelis Haritatos toured the National Foods factory in Harare and expressed his appreciation for the company’s contribution to the agricultural sector.

He said the company was producing enough maize meal to cater for the whole country, and that the government was also importing more maize to supplement the local production. He assured the public that there was no grain shortage in Zimbabwe and that the government and the millers were working together to stabilize the prices and availability of maize meal.

He also said the government was implementing various programs to support the farmers and increase the productivity and resilience of the agricultural sector, which is the backbone of the economy. He said the government was committed to achieving food security and self-reliance by 2030, in line with its national vision.

The ministry’s Permanent Secretary Professor Obert Jiri also commended National Foods for its dedication and innovation and urged the private sector to work together with the government to develop and transform the industry. He said the government was determined to promote agro-ecology as the anchor to resilient and sustainable agriculture and to harness the potential of the country’s water resources for irrigation.

National Foods chief executive Michael Lashbrook said the company was honored to partner with the government in developing a more robust agricultural sector, and that it took its responsibility very seriously. He said the company was also supporting the farmers through contract farming and extension services and was investing in new technologies and equipment to improve its efficiency and quality.

Zimbabwe’s food security situation has also attracted the attention and support of the international community, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The United States, the European Union, the United Nations, and other humanitarian agencies have been providing food assistance and livelihood support to the most vulnerable populations in both rural and urban areas.

However, the government and the private sector have also shown that they are capable of addressing the root causes of food insecurity and poverty, and of building a more prosperous and resilient future for Zimbabweans.

Source: The Herald

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