Mugabe’s Family Celebrates His 100th Birthday in Secret

Zimbabwe’s leading online news platform

by Motoni Olodun


The family of Zimbabwe’s late former president Robert Mugabe has held a private ceremony to mark his 100th birthday, according to local media reports.

The event, which took place on Saturday at his rural home in Zvimba, was attended by his widow Grace Mugabe, his children and close relatives, as well as some traditional leaders and loyalists.

Mugabe, who died in 2019 at the age of 95, was once revered as a liberation hero who fought against white minority rule in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. He led the country for 37 years, until he was ousted by the military in 2017 following mass protests.

His legacy Is controversial, as he is widely blamed for the economic collapse, human rights abuses and political repression that plagued Zimbabwe under his rule. He was also accused of rigging elections and clamping down on dissent.

His successor, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was once his ally and deputy, has sought to distance himself from Mugabe’s policies and has vowed to implement reforms to revive the economy and restore democracy.

However, some of Mugabe’s supporters still regard him as a hero and a symbol of resistance against Western imperialism. They have accused Mnangagwa of betraying Mugabe and his ideals.

The centennial celebration was not officially sanctioned by the government, which had declared February 21 as Robert Gabriel Mugabe National Youth Day, a public holiday in honor of his birthday.

The government did not organize any public events to commemorate the day, citing the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic challenges facing the country.

The Mugabe family has also been at odds with the government over the burial of the former leader, who was initially supposed to be interred at the National Heroes Acre, a shrine for the country’s liberation fighters in the capital Harare.

However, the family insisted that he be buried at his rural home, according to his wishes. They also accused the government of withholding some of his properties and benefits.

The family spokesperson, Leo Mugabe, told the media that the centennial celebration was a private affair and that they did not invite anyone from the government or the ruling party.

He said the family wanted to celebrate Mugabe’s life and achievements, as well as to pray for his soul.

He added that the family hoped that the country would overcome its current challenges and achieve peace and prosperity.

“We are proud of him and what he did for this country. He was a visionary leader who had a dream for a better Zimbabwe. We hope that his dream will come true one day,” he said.

Source: New Zimbabwe

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