How a Soccer Star Found Solace in a Prophet’s Counsel

by Motoni Olodun

Tanaka “Kante” Shandirwa, a soccer midfielder for Dynamos, has been struggling with his performance and behavior on the field. He has faced criticism from fans and media for his temperamental problem and unbecoming conduct. But he recently found a source of guidance and support from an unlikely person: Prophet Walter Magaya, the founder of Yadah, his parent club.

Shandirwa, who is on loan from Yadah to Dynamos, was invited by Magaya for a counselling session on Monday, after the prophet learned about his troubles. Shandirwa told Graphic Online that Magaya called him and expressed his concern and passion for his well-being and career.

“He said what he is hearing about me could destroy everything that I have worked for in the blink of an eye and he is not ready to process the pain. I respect his passion for seeing me reach as far as I can, and I’m going to try my best to do everything he advised me to do,” Shandirwa said.

Shandirwa said he spent almost four hours with Magaya, who offered him spiritual and practical advice on how to improve himself and overcome his challenges. He said he felt a sense of relief and gratitude after the meeting, and vowed to change his attitude and lifestyle.

“I’m human and sometimes I make mistakes without knowing, and I’m happy to have people like Prophet Magaya, who showed up to open my eyes. I also want to thank everyone who has been supporting me, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make them proud,” he said.

Shandirwa said he is now focusing on helping Dynamos win the league championship, and also on developing his skills and potential as a soccer player. He said he is confident that with Magaya’s mentorship and God’s grace, he will be able to achieve his dreams and goals.

“I’m now focusing on improving myself to be better than the player I was last season, and I want to assure Dynamos fans that this is our season. I believe that with God, all things are possible, and I’m ready to work hard and smart to make it happen,” he said.

Shandirwa’s story is an inspiring example of how faith and guidance can help someone overcome their difficulties and find their purpose. It also shows how Magaya, who is known for his philanthropic and religious work, is also passionate about sports and nurturing young talent. We hope that Shandirwa will continue to grow and shine as a soccer star and a role model for others.

The Herald

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