Internal Strife Rattles Zimbabwe’s Ruling Party, Security Steps In

Zanu PF Seeks Security Help Amid Factional Tensions

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe
Zanu PF factional wars

The ruling Zanu PF party in Zimbabwe is currently facing internal strife and discontent among its members, leading to an unprecedented move of involving State security agents to address the situation. This decision comes in the wake of a series of fake press statements circulating on social media, purportedly from the party’s information department and even the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, criticizing President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s leadership and alleging rampant corruption within the party and military ranks.

George Charamba, the Presidential spokesperson, has expressed concern over the surge of these counterfeit statements, describing them as part of an “insidious” campaign to destabilize the party. One such statement boldly criticized party members from the Masvingo province for supporting Mnangagwa’s potential third term, using the slogan, “2030 VaMnangagwa vanenge vachipo (Mnangagwa will still be in office by 2030).”

Charamba, taking to Twitter under the handle @dhonzamusoro007, has called for swift action from security officers to track down and “teach a lesson” to the individuals behind these statements. He emphasizes the need for a “legal and technical remedy” to curb this trend, which he views as a significant threat to the party’s stability.

The internal conflict within Zanu PF seems to be intensifying, with reports suggesting that the factional battles between President Mnangagwa and his deputy, Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga, have reignited. Some party members believe Mnangagwa has broken a pre-coup agreement made before the November 2017 ousting of the late former President Robert Mugabe, which stipulated that Mnangagwa would serve only one term before passing the leadership to Chiwenga.

Despite these allegations, Farai Marapira, Zanu PF’s director of information, insists that the police will investigate to uncover those responsible for the fake statements. Marapira asserts that true Zanu PF members would not engage in such acts of disinformation, as the party provides ample platforms for its members to express their concerns legitimately.

This unfolding drama within Zimbabwe’s ruling party highlights the deep-seated issues of trust and unity facing Zanu PF, amidst the country’s ongoing economic challenges and corruption allegations. As the party grapples with these internal disputes, the involvement of state security agents marks a significant escalation in efforts to maintain control and coherence within its ranks.

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