I Will Be Zimbabwe’s First Under-45 Billionaire – Chivayo

Wicknell Chivayo Aims to Be Zimbabwe's First Under-45 Billionaire

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

Wicknell Chivayo, a Zimbabwean businessman known for his lavish lifestyle and philanthropic efforts, has boldly declared his ambition to become Zimbabwe’s first billionaire under the age of 45. His statement came amid a flurry of high-profile donations that have captured the public’s attention and sparked debate across various sectors of society.

Chivayo’s recent acts of generosity included gifting luxury vehicles to prominent musicians and leaders of the Johanne Masowe apostolic sect, raising eyebrows and drawing both praise and criticism. Despite the controversies surrounding him, Chivayo is unshaken in his belief that his philanthropic actions are part of a divine prophecy that will pave his way to unprecedented financial success in Zimbabwe.

Raised in the remote village of Gandami in Chivhu, the 41-year-old entrepreneur shared with NewsDay Weekender that his charitable deeds were prophesied and are now manifesting. “I have been foretold by numerous prophecies throughout my life, one of which distinctly promises my future billionaire status,” Chivayo explained. He recounted times spent in prayer on a mountain in Murehwa, seeking the fulfillment of this prophecy. Chivayo was also advised spiritually that his continued generosity was a prerequisite to achieving and maintaining his wealth.

The businessman, who is also known for his fervent support of the Zanu PF party and his vibrant presence on social media, detailed the financial philosophy behind his actions. He articulated a belief that his wealth, which he attributes to divine grace, is inexhaustible as long as he continues to share it with others. “Blessing others through what I have been given by God can never deplete my resources,” he stated, likening his charitable acts to sowing seeds that will yield abundant returns.

Chivayo’s recent gifts include a brand-new S500 Mercedes-Benz to musician Jah Prayzah, valued at US$180,000, and similarly expensive vehicles to other notable figures in the Zimbabwean music scene. These gestures, while grand, were initially dismissed by some as mere publicity stunts. However, Chivayo maintains that his motivations are genuine and rooted in a personal calling to give back to the community.

Despite the acclaim, Chivayo’s lifestyle and public persona have not been without controversy. He often finds himself at the center of public and media scrutiny, with reactions ranging from adulation to hostility. Chivayo described his resilience in the face of criticism, “Growing up as a ghetto boy in Chitungwiza has equipped me with a thick skin,” implying that negative feedback does little to sway his actions or ambitions.

Critics have argued that Chivayo’s wealth could be better spent addressing more pressing societal needs, such as improving Zimbabwe’s struggling health sector. Yet, Chivayo contends that everyone has a unique role and mission, suggesting that his calling is to operate within the space that he does best.

In addition to his gifts to individuals, Chivayo has also made substantial donations to religious and community projects. A notable contribution was a US$1 million donation to the Zion Christian Church, known for its extensive community development work including building schools and infrastructure.

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