Zanu PF Probes False Claims Against President’s Sons

Zanu PF Investigation Targets Fake Statements Amid Internal Conflict

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

The ruling Zanu PF party in Zimbabwe is experiencing internal conflict as it looks into the origins of false press reports that have caused a great deal of controversy. These remarks, which have gone viral on social media, demand that Sean and Collins, the sons of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, be looked into for possible money laundering.

Neville Mutsvangwa, the son of party spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa, was arrested, which prompted the investigation. Authorities found a Starlink router at Neville’s home last Thursday, leading them to charge him with money laundering, dealing in foreign currency, and violating the Telecommunications Act. Neville was placed under arrest.

The party appears to have gone into a shell following this arrest, with statements allegedly made by Zanu PF being made public. One such remark, purportedly made by Christopher Mutsvangwa, expressed displeasure at Neville’s apprehension and vowed to reveal similar misconduct by Mnangagwa’s sons. According to this purported statement, the president’s sons are engaged in similar actions as the ones that led to Neville’s being imprisoned

Subsequently, a false statement surfaced, allegedly issued under the name of Vice-President Constatino Chiwenga. It demanded more extensive inquiries into prominent instances, reportedly motivated by the information found in the suspicious Mutsvangwa testimony.

Mutsvangwa and the party leadership have strongly denied any association with these claims. President Mnangagwa’s close confidant, Lovemore Matuke, the national secretary for security of Zanu PF, said that the party is conducting a thorough inquiry to find the people behind these false statements. “We have launched an inquiry into the most recent one you are referring to, and we are working to identify the perpetrator. As of yet, we have no suspects. Although we are not yet sure who is making those claims, we are thoroughly investigating the possibility,” Matuke said.

Presidential spokesman George Charamba said that the state of affairs has increased party concerns. He said that the volume of false announcements was out of control and implied that there was a dark purpose for their creation. The tight environment inside the party is highlighted by Charamba’s remarks, as groups supposedly supporting Mnangagwa and Chiwenga compete for power.

Christopher Mutsvangwa acknowledged in an interview with The Standard that he knew who was putting out the false statements, but he was hesitant to name them in public. He clarified that the situation was an attempt to manipulate the president and him in order to cause conflict. He said, “So they are trying to manipulate me and the President. I have played this game for a very long time. It is a fruitless attempt to put distance between us, so that the President feels a certain way about me. I have known the President since I was twenty-two years old.”

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