ZANU PF Youth Member Suspended for Alleged Bribery

Attempted Bribery From Top Youth Positions Shakes Party

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

Danmore Mambondiani, a member of the ZANU PF national youth league in Zimbabwe, has been suspended due to allegations of attempting to bribe two senior officials in order to secure a high-ranking position within the ruling party. The incident, which has caused significant upheaval within the party’s youth wing, occurred during an important meeting in Harare.

Mambondiani, who previously held the position of national youth secretary for administration, was vying to become the secretary for local government—a crucial role within the party’s structure. However, his aspirations took a controversial turn during the national youth executive meeting on May 9, 2024, leading to accusations that could potentially damage his political career.

Accusations that Mambondiani tried to influence the decision-making process by providing bribes to deputy minister of the environment John Paradza and secretary for youth affairs Tinotenda Machakaire, who is currently the minister for youth empowerment, are at the center of the controversy. Mambondiani reportedly approached the two ministers with a sack purportedly brimming with cash, giving $200 to Paradza and $100 to Machakaire in what seemed to be an obvious act of bribery.

This bold demonstration was not unnoticed. Mambondiani was suspended without delay after the event, which was allegedly held in full view of the media and other members of the national leadership, caused an immediate outcry. A letter of suspension that NewsDay now has in its possession sharply condemns Mambondiani’s actions, stating, “You exhibited conduct unbecoming of a national member.”

The letter went on to denounce Mambondiani’s activities, saying that they “insinuate that party vacancies or places can be acquired by vote buying,” which is a grave transgression of the party’s ethical standards and constitutional regulations. The letter effectively strips Mambondiani of his responsibilities and position within the party in light of these claims by forbidding him from operating on behalf of or in his capacity as the deputy secretary for administration of the national youth league executive council.

The episode has far-reaching effects on Mambondiani as well as the youth league’s reputation for integrity inside the ZANU PF party. The episode casts doubt on the party’s commitment to just and open governance by bringing to light the difficulties caused by political corruption inside party ranks. Mambondiani, Machakaire, and Paradza have not yet addressed the incident in the media. As they wait for more information, onlookers and party members alike are more concerned and speculative due to the involved parties’ silence.

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