A Tale of Two Realities: Mnangagwa’s Luxurious US$1m Inauguration Amidst Zimbabwe’s Challenges

The Grand Spectacle: Mnangagwa's Million-Dollar Event in a Nation Under Strain

by Motoni Olodun

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s inauguration last week in Harare has sparked a deluge of reactions after reportedly costing upwards of US$1 million. This grand spectacle comes on the heels of his contentious re-election campaign leading to the August 23 and 24 harmonized elections.

South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) lauded the event at the National Sports Stadium as “one of the best inaugurations globally.” However, the lavish spending is drawing scrutiny amidst allegations of electoral fraud from the main opposition, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC). The opposition group has labeled the elections a “gigantic fraud” plagued with irregularities and is pushing for a re-run.

In a noteworthy move, many leaders from the Southern African Development Community gave Mnangagwa’s swearing-in a miss, with only three attending – Presidents Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique, Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa, and Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The government’s large-scale arrangements included commissioning hundreds of buses to transport Zanu PF supporters. They greeted these attendees with party merchandise and an extravagant spread that included 120,000 chicken and chips sets, estimated to cost over US$42,000. Entertainment was aplenty, with top musicians like Jah Prayzah performing for the jubilant crowd.

Further adding to the grandeur was a special dinner hosted by Mnangagwa and his wife at the Glamis Arena, where attendees relished fine wine and gourmet dishes. Inside sources suggest the total expenditure for the evening crossed the million-dollar threshold.

ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula championed the inauguration, claiming it to be unparalleled in its grandiosity. But not everyone concurs. George Charamba, the presidential spokesperson, dismissed claims that the expenses breached the US$1m mark. Similarly, Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Secretary Ndavaningi Mangwana stressed the costs were far from the rumored figures.

This isn’t the first instance where Zanu PF’s spending habits have raised eyebrows. The party allegedly splurged nearly US$10 million on Mnangagwa’s star rallies ahead of the polls, pampering supporters with lavish treats and gifts.

Such expenditure comes under further scrutiny, with critics like political analyst Rejoice Ngwenya remarking on the Zanu PF-led government’s propensity to display its affluence, especially when using taxpayers’ money. Tendai Reuben Mbofana, a political observer, lamented the lavish spending in the face of the country’s poverty and pressing needs.

It’s apparent that while Mnangagwa’s opulent inauguration was a spectacle for many, it was also a stark reminder of the contrasting realities within Zimbabwe, a nation rife with political tension and socio-economic challenges.

Source: News Day


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