Zimbabwe’s Battle Against El Nino’s Wrath

Zimbabwe's Battle Against Hunger: Crops Wither Amid El Niño Drough

by Motoni Olodun

In the heart of Zimbabwe, the village of Buhera is grappling with a crisis. The once vibrant maize fields are now a sea of wilted crops, a stark reminder of the relentless El Nino-induced drought that has swept across the nation

Residents gather at a local school, their names called out one by one to receive life-saving handouts of grain, peas, and cooking oil.  For many, this aid is a lifeline, but it’s a temporary solution to a deep-seated problem.

Zimbabwe has been struggling to feed itself since 2000, when a shift in land ownership disrupted agricultural production. The situation has been further exacerbated by the El Nino weather phenomenon, which has led to prolonged droughts across many southern African nations.

El Nino, a naturally occurring weather event, disrupts wind patterns and leads to warmer ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific. This results in extreme weather conditions, including prolonged droughts and subsequent wildfires.

The government estimates that 2.7 million people will face hunger this year, although the actual number could be higher. In response, the government is considering declaring a state of emergency.

The World Food Programme (WFP) has been instrumental in providing aid, helping 270,000 people in four drought-prone districts between January and March. However, more funds are needed to extend this aid to others in need.

Despite the grim situation, there is a glimmer of hope. The resilience of the Zimbabwean people is evident in their determination to weather this storm. As they face the challenges ahead, their spirit remains unbroken.

Source: NewZimbabwe.com.

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