Harvard Names Claudine Gay Its First Black President

by Adenike Adeodun

Harvard University celebrated a groundbreaking moment on Friday, marking the inauguration of Claudine Gay, its first Black president, and only the second woman to assume the role.

Addressing attendees braving the rain during the ceremony in Cambridge, Gay voiced the profound sense of responsibility she felt. “The honor of being a ‘first’ weighs heavily on me,” she stated, emphasizing her commitment to the esteemed institution founded in 1640.

During her speech, she elaborated on her aspirations for the Ivy League university. “Challenging the status quo and forging a brighter path – that’s the Harvard way,” Gay expressed.

According to a report by Newsday Zimbabwe, Massachusetts Governor and Harvard alumnus, Maura Healey acknowledged the monumental significance of Gay’s presidency during her address. “Your role at Harvard is groundbreaking. You have my utmost respect and backing,” Healey remarked.

After a thorough selection process, the Harvard Corporation, the university’s chief governing board, chose Gay for her unwavering integrity. The Harvard Gazette quoted the outgoing president, Lawrence Bacow, praising her leadership qualities: “Claudine possesses the deep moral values needed to guide Harvard. With her at the helm, I foresee a luminous future for our university.”

Gay, an alumna of Harvard, secured her Ph.D. in government in 1998 and later joined the faculty in 2006. Recognised with the Toppan Prize for her exemplary dissertation in political science, she has also functioned as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Furthermore, Gay stands out as an influential scholar in political behavior and is credited with establishing the Inequality in America Initiative in 2017, a comprehensive program focusing on socio-economic disparities.

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