Tshabangu Claims Control Over By-Election Candidates

by Oluwatosin Alabi

In a controversial move, Sengezo Tshabangu, self-proclaimed interim secretary-general of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), announced he will spearhead the vetting and approval of candidates for the upcoming December 7 parliamentary by-elections.

Asserting his authority, Tshabangu recently recalled 15 CCC legislators, contending their disassociation from the party. He revealed to VOA Zimbabwe Service an existing roster of prospective representatives, prepared following a presidential announcement of the election schedule.

Leveraging a so-called right of recall, Tshabangu emphasized, “We’ll exercise our authority to endorse candidates, utilizing the same established criteria. Our database holds the records of preferred candidates per ward, simplifying the selection to a mere replication of previous choices.”

He rebuffed claims of affiliation with the ruling faction, recalling past experiences of being labeled a Zanu PF adherent due to dissenting views within the opposition.

According to a report by New Zimbabwe, Tshabangu warned of severe repercussions for any CCC members disrupting the candidate selection process, a grassroots initiative undertaken prior to the general elections in August 2023.

CCC’s spokesperson, Promise Mkhwanazi, chose silence over the situation, hinting at imminent internal discussions.

Contrarily, ousted CCC lawmaker Prince Dubeko Sibanda denounced Tshabangu as a fraudster. Engaged in a legal battle, Sibanda challenges his ouster and Tshabangu’s claimed position. “He’s navigating without a compass. His court submissions lack evidence of his alleged secretary-general status. He’s living in a fantasy,” Sibanda retorted.

The internal rift comes as the CCC gears up for the critical by-elections, a situation observers believe could impact the opposition’s cohesiveness and electoral prospects.

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