Zimbabwe Receives $265,000 in International Aid to Tackle Cholera Outbreak

Global Partners Support Zimbabwe's Fight Against Cholera, Focus on Children's Health

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

Zimbabwe has received crucial cholera treatment commodities and supplies valued at 265,000 U.S. dollars from various international organizations, announced the country’s Health and Child Care Minister, Douglas Mombeshora, on Friday. This contribution is a significant boost in the nation’s ongoing battle against a severe cholera outbreak.

Minister Mombeshora highlighted the alarming rate of cholera infections among children, emphasizing that the donated supplies, including antibiotics and oral rehydration salts, are primarily aimed at addressing the needs of the young population.

“We are deeply grateful to the Health Resilient Fund, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Parcel Services Foundation, and all partners involved in this generous donation. These medicines and commodities are invaluable in managing the cholera cases, especially among our children,” he stated.

Statistics provided by the ministry show that children are disproportionately affected by the outbreak. Of the reported cholera cases, 31 percent are children below 15 years of age, with a significant 14 percent in those under five years of age.

UNICEF has recently raised concerns about the high infection rates in children in Zimbabwe, stressing that one in six new cholera cases affects children under five years old. The organization has called for an increased focus on children in Zimbabwe’s national cholera response efforts.

As of January 24, 2024, Zimbabwe has recorded a cumulative 20,446 suspected cholera cases since the outbreak began in February of the previous year. In a proactive move to curb the spread, the country is preparing to launch an oral cholera vaccination campaign. The campaign, starting Monday, follows the receipt of an initial batch of 892,286 vaccine doses from the International Coordinating Group.

This international support is a critical lifeline for Zimbabwe as it grapples with the cholera crisis. The focus on children’s health in the response efforts underscores the vulnerability of this demographic in health emergencies and the importance of global solidarity in addressing public health challenges.

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