Zanu PF Asserts Readiness to Lead Bulawayo

Political Shifts in Bulawayo as Zanu PF Takes Charge

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe
Zanu PF Bulawayo

Zanu PF’s provincial leadership in Bulawayo asserts that they are prepared to take charge of the city’s affairs, claiming that the electorate has entrusted them with the responsibility to showcase their capabilities. Archibold Chiponda, the spokesperson for Zanu PF’s Bulawayo provincial affairs, criticized the opposition party, accusing them of neglecting their duty to deliver services to the people.

According to Chiponda, the infighting within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has weakened the opposition’s position, leading to the recall of several councillors and legislators by self-imposed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu. Taking advantage of this situation, Zanu PF secured victories in most of the council and parliamentary seats during the recent by-elections held in December and early this month, including seats in Bulawayo South and Pelandaba-Tshabalala.

Chiponda emphasized that the electorate’s dissatisfaction with the opposition’s performance prompted them to seek alternatives, resulting in increased support for Zanu PF. He claimed that the opposition had become complacent and had failed to deliver meaningful services to the community.

“We have been vindicated to a certain extent as a party. The numbers speak for themselves with regards to the Pelandaba-Tshabalala by-elections. While we can say the general turnout was low, the percentage of those who came out to vote for Zanu PF was resounding,” Chiponda stated.

Despite the setbacks faced by the CCC, Khaliphani Phungeni, spokesperson for Sengezo Tshabangu, expressed confidence in the opposition party’s resilience. Phungeni affirmed that Tshabangu would make an impact in Parliament, suggesting that the opposition’s influence would prevail despite internal challenges.

“The SG is going to Parliament. The havens will fall first before he can be stopped,” Phungeni asserted.

The political landscape in Bulawayo reflects a shift in voter sentiment, with Zanu PF capitalizing on the perceived shortcomings of the opposition to secure electoral victories. As Zanu PF prepares to assume a more prominent role in governing the city, expectations are high for the party to demonstrate its ability to deliver on promises and address the needs of the community.

However, the resilience of the opposition, despite internal divisions, indicates that the political contestation in Bulawayo is far from over. Both Zanu PF and the CCC will continue to vie for influence and support, shaping the future direction of governance in the city.

The electorate, meanwhile, remains vigilant, expecting elected officials to prioritize service delivery and uphold their interests. With the spotlight on Zanu PF’s leadership in Bulawayo, the party faces the challenge of meeting the high expectations set by the electorate and proving its effectiveness in governance.

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