Zimbabwean Youth Entrepreneurs Tap into Global Markets

How a local craft cider company is making waves in the Middle East and beyond

by Victor Adetimilehin

Zimbabwe is known for its rich natural resources, diverse culture, and resilient people. But it is also home to a growing number of young entrepreneurs who are finding innovative ways to turn their passions into profits.


One such example is Nyanga Craft Ciders, a youth-owned small business that produces top-quality craft ciders from locally grown fruits. The company was formed to add value to the Nyanga apples, a specialty of the eastern highlands region, and later expanded to include other fruits such as mangoes, pineapples and passion fruits.


The aim, according to the company’s founder and CEO, Tafadzwa Moyo, is to produce a local cider that showcases the deliciousness of Nyanga fruits in a bottle. “We want to share our unique flavors with the world and create a brand that represents Zimbabwe’s creativity and diversity,” he says.


Exporting to The Middle East

To achieve this vision, Moyo and his team have been working with ZimTrade, the country’s trade development and promotion agency, which has been supporting them through the Eagles’ Nest Youth Export Incubation program. The program is designed to inculcate an export culture among youth-led enterprises and help them access new markets.


Through ZimTrade’s assistance, Nyanga Craft Ciders has managed to secure buyers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), one of the fastest-growing markets for alcoholic beverages in the Middle East. The company has also participated in several trade fairs and business forums, where they have received positive feedback and interest from potential partners in other countries such as Rwanda, Malawi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Moyo says that exporting to the UAE has been a rewarding experience, as it has opened up new opportunities and challenges for his business. “We have learned a lot about the market dynamics, the consumer preferences, and the regulatory requirements in the UAE. We have also had to adapt our products and packaging to suit the market and comply with the standards,” he says.


He adds that the demand for organic and fresh produce in the UAE and other markets has given his company a competitive edge, as they use only natural ingredients and no artificial preservatives or additives. “Our products are made from 100% fruit juice, which makes them healthier and tastier than other ciders in the market. We also benefit from Zimbabwe’s non-genetically modified organism policy, which gives us an advantage in terms of quality and safety,” he says.


Growing The Youth-led Export Sector

Nyanga Craft Ciders is not the only youth-led business that is making strides in the export sector. ZimTrade says that it has identified and supported more than 200 youth-led businesses across various sectors, such as agro-processing, leather, arts and crafts, and information and communication technology.


The agency says that building youth-led enterprises is crucial for growing the country’s exports and achieving the National Development Strategy’s target of US$7 billion by 2023. It also says that youth-led businesses have the potential to create jobs, generate income and contribute to the social and economic development of the country.


ZimTrade’s chief executive officer, Allan Majuru, says that the agency is committed to providing more opportunities and platforms for young entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services to the world. He says that some of the initiatives that ZimTrade is planning for 2023 include market surveys in Saudi Arabia, China, Malaysia and Egypt, as well as trade missions and exhibitions in regional and international markets.


“We believe that the youth are the future of our economy and we want to empower them to become successful exporters. We are confident that with the right support and guidance, they can overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities that the global market offers,” he says.


For Moyo, the journey of exporting his craft ciders has been a fulfilling one, as he has seen his business grow and his dreams come true. He says that he is grateful for the support that he has received from ZimTrade and other stakeholders, and he hopes to inspire other young entrepreneurs to follow in his footsteps.

Source: Newsday Zimbabwe

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