Zimbabwe’s president appoints son and nephew to cabinet in reshuffle

by Victor Adetimilehin

President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe has announced a cabinet reshuffle that has sparked controversy and criticism. Among the new appointees are his son, Kudakwashe Mnangagwa, who becomes the deputy minister of finance and economic development, and his nephew, Tongai Mnangagwa, who takes over as the deputy minister of tourism. The reshuffle comes amid a worsening economic crisis in the southern African nation, which is facing high inflation, food shortages, and power cuts. Mnangagwa, who came to power in 2017 after a military coup that ousted long-time ruler Robert Mugabe, has been accused of failing to deliver on his promises of reform and prosperity.

Some critics have also accused Mnangagwa of nepotism and corruption, saying that he is trying to consolidate his power by appointing his relatives and allies to key positions. They have also questioned the qualifications and experience of some of the new ministers, especially Kudakwashe Mnangagwa, who is a first-time legislator and a venture capitalist. However, Mnangagwa has defended his choices, saying that he has appointed “young and dynamic” ministers who can bring “fresh ideas” to the government. He also said that he did not include any opposition members in his cabinet because he did not want to compromise his vision and mandate.

The reshuffle has also seen some changes in other important ministries, such as health, foreign affairs, justice, mines, and information. Some of the ministers who retained their portfolios are Oppah Muchinguri (defence), July Moyo (public service), and Kirsty Coventry (sports, arts, and culture). The new cabinet is expected to be sworn in on Tuesday. The new cabinet faces the challenge of addressing the economic and social problems that Zimbabwe is facing, as well as restoring public trust and confidence in the government. Despite the difficulties, Mnangagwa has expressed his optimism and vision for transforming Zimbabwe into an upper-middle-income country by 2030. Many citizens are sceptical about the president’s ability to deliver on his promises but hopes that his reign more satisfying than that of his predecessor. 

Source: News24 Africa Desk

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