Zimbabwe Mines Minister Advocates Strategic Partnerships for Lithium Revolution

by Victor Adetimilehin
Zimbabwe Mines Minister

In a bid to tap into its vast lithium deposits, Zimbabwe, the world’s sixth-largest lithium producer, is gearing up for a transformative journey towards becoming a major player in the global lithium industry. Mines and Mining Development Minister Zhemu Soda has called for strategic partnerships to harness the potential of lithium production, including the creation of lithium batteries and lithium carbonate within the country.

Speaking at the launch of the Zimbabwe-Chinese Energy Mining Enterprise Association, Minister Soda emphasized the critical role of strategic partnerships in realizing this vision. The newly formed association is poised to support the government’s drive for lithium beneficiation and value addition.

Minister Soda underscored the significance of mineral beneficiation and value addition within the lithium sub-sector as part of Zimbabwe’s National Development Strategy 1, aligned with its Vision 2030 objectives. He stressed the need for Zimbabwe to strategically position itself along the global lithium value chain, emphasizing the importance of moving up the value chain.

To facilitate this ambitious endeavor, Minister Soda called on investors to establish approved processing plants that would enable the export of beneficiated lithium, aligning with recent government regulations that prohibit the export of base mineral ores, including lithium.

The establishment of the Zimbabwe-Chinese Energy Mining Enterprise Association marks a pivotal moment in reinforcing the collaboration between lithium miners and the government while safeguarding the interests of its members. Minister Soda stated, “The formation of this association is important as it acts as the bridge that strengthens exchanges between the lithium miners and other stakeholders, including the government. The association will also safeguard the rights and interests of its members and promote the development of the lithium sector.”

Additionally, Minister Soda granted the association the authority to make policy recommendations and urged them to work closely with the Chamber of Mines. He expressed confidence in the association’s potential for success and encouraged knowledge sharing and collaboration within the mining sector.

As Zimbabwe embarks on this lithium revolution, the world watches with anticipation. The strategic partnerships and commitment to value addition in lithium production are significant steps towards positioning Zimbabwe as a key player in the global lithium market.

With its abundant lithium resources and a government dedicated to nurturing the sector, Zimbabwe is poised for a promising future in the lithium industry. As the nation forges ahead with its plans, the world can expect to witness Zimbabwe’s ascent in the global lithium value chain, bringing economic growth and technological advancements.

Source : Newsday Zimbabwe

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