Mnangagwa Urges Humility, Service in Newly-Elected Ministers

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

In a recent address, President Emmerson Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of humility and a dedication to public service for his newly-elected Cabinet ministers. This comes as Mnangagwa focuses on building a lasting legacy in his final term in office.

Speaking at a high-level retreat in Harare attended by Cabinet ministers, their deputies, and senior government officials, Mnangagwa underscored that government officials are servants of the people and must not abuse their positions.

“Quality, affordable, and accessible services are a right of our citizens. Our mission is to uplift more Zimbabweans from poverty to prosperity, with a particular emphasis on the vulnerable, women, and the youth,” Mnangagwa said.

For this mission to be accomplished, Mnangagwa highlighted the need for servant leadership, a commitment to continuous learning, and the effective implementation of policies. He emphasized unity, collaboration, and synergy among the ministers and government officials.

“The perception of our government hinges on every interaction the public has with us. If one official is arrogant, it paints us all with the same brush. We are here to serve, not to dominate,” he added.

Mnangagwa reiterated that Zimbabwe belongs to its people and the success of ministers and officials will be gauged by their innovative approaches toward enhancing the nation’s economic growth, modernization, and global competitiveness.

He urged the public sector to focus on producing tangible results rather than simply completing tasks. “In this administration, we must eschew silo mentalities and prioritize reforms to bolster both local and foreign investments,” he said.

The president also stressed the importance of capitalizing on Zimbabwe’s comparative advantages, promoting a welcoming environment for investments, and intensifying digital initiatives for the convenience of citizens.

In addition to the digital push, the government plans to undertake infrastructural projects, including the construction of dams and highways and drilling thousands of boreholes.

Mnangagwa concluded by outlining the government’s objectives for the next five years, which include boosting agricultural production, improving public services, enhancing infrastructure, and ensuring the nation’s mineral wealth benefits its citizens. He stressed the need for transparency, accountability, and providing value for the people of Zimbabwe.

Source: Newsday

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