Zanu PF Leaders Face Accusations of Diverting Agricultural Assistance

by Ikeoluwa Ogungbangbe

Residents from different regions in Zimbabwe have alleged that key figures within the Zanu PF party are exploiting the presidential agricultural assistance program, citing favoritism and outright theft.

The government recently announced that it had gathered over 360,000 tonnes of farming essentials, comprising seeds and fertilizers, aiming to aid small-scale farmers through the Climate-Proofed Presidential Input Scheme, also known as Pfumvudza/Intwasa. The program’s objective was to assist a projected 3.5 million recipients. 

However, the distribution, which began on April 18 in Mt. Darwin, Mashonaland Central, has been shadowed by claims of nepotism and pilfering. In Magunje constituency, located in Mashonaland West province, locals have pointed fingers at traditional leaders and Zanu PF-affiliated council members, accusing them of withholding assistance from opposition supporters.

One local shared, “Our Chief, Mudzimu, has expressly forbidden any opposition member from benefiting from the program. In villages like Mahwada, Kapfunde, and Dzimaihwe, the mandate is to exclude opposition members from the beneficiaries list.”

Attempts to reach Chief Mudzimu for comments were unsuccessful.

Meanwhile, in the Gutu district of Masvingo province, Zanu PF’s district coordinating committee vice-chair, Fabios Musara, openly declared the party’s oversight in the distribution. He asserted, “Given that the program originates from our President (Emmerson Mnangagwa), it’s only natural that as a regional party leader, I play a part in its execution. I am familiar with the deserving recipients.”

Recently, acting Chief Nyamandi, also known as Siyano Machaya, stirred controversy after instructing local leaders to exclude opposition followers from the agricultural aid program and any governmental food assistance.

With climatic predictions hinting at potential El Niño effects, leading to subpar and delayed rainfall this year, the government has a goal to produce over 3.5 million tonnes of cereals. This includes 2.8 million tonnes of maize and over 700,000 tonnes of traditional grains and oilseeds, fulfilling the nation’s dietary needs. Notably, Zimbabwe’s annual grain requirement stands at approximately 2.2 million tonnes.

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